Another fail

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                                July 26th 1962
I woke up the next day to the sound of a shower running. So I get up and change into jeans and a shirt and then let back into his bed. He walks back into his room and jumps on top of me shaking his wet hair on me.

You: no your wet!

I try to push him off but he doesn't move so I give in and lay back down.

You: we have to go Benny
Benny; fineeeee

He groans and gets off me then pulling me to my feet. We walk out of the house and to the treehouse we're the boys have some idea to suck it the ball up with 3 vacuums. So Bertram and Smalls take control of the vacuums while everyone else holds the pole up. Once it gets close enough to the ball they turn on one vacuum but it doesn't do much so they start the second vacuum then the third. That makes the ball get sucked up from the ground and we slowly start pulling it up until the beast comes and bites the pole and everyone starts screaming.

Ham: what's going on Squints
Squints: the pipe it's pinched shut

There becomes a loud screeching noise and Bertram comes up the ladder.

Bertram: the vacs are clogged I don't know about you but I'm getting out of here.

He quickly goes down the ladder and we all rush to areas where we can get down. I'm about to climb down the ladder until I hear someone yell. I turn around and see Timmy there with his shirt caught on something. The pipes start getting louder but I run to him and rip the piece of his shirt off and move him to the ladder which he falls from but before I could get out the force of the pipes exploding sends me towards the wall of the treehouse and I black out.

Bennys point of view

I watch as someone helps Timmy out of the treehouse before clouds of dust come out of the openings.

Me: everyone alright.

I look around at everyone and don't see Lilly but she was right behind me. Shit she was the one that helped Timmy out.

Me: where the hell is Lilly!
Timmy: I-I don't know she ripped my shirt off a nail because I was stuck and moved me to the ladder but I don't know if she came out yet.
All: Lilly!

I push in front of them and climb up the ladder seeing Lilly with her back against the wall and a line of blood coming from her head.

Me: Lils!

I run to her and put her in my lap before wiping off the blood as much as possible.

Me: come on babe. Wake up. Please.

I kiss her forehead and hear her groan and her eyes open slowly. Oh thank god.

Lilly's point of view
My eyes open revealing Benny and the rest of the boys standing around me.

You: where's Timmy?

I look and see Timmy standing there.

You: oh thank god.

I let out a sigh of relief leaning back on Bennys chest and I hear chuckles around me.

You: what?
Ham: you just got thrown into a wall because of an explosion Lilly.
Squints: and the first this you ask is if Timmys here.
You: ya why can't I?
Benny: you care to much Lils
You: ugh my head hurts like hell
Benny: I'm gonna bring her home we'll see you all tomorrow
You: no I'm fine I'm fine.
Benny: we have to clean your cut and you need to lay down.

I groan and he picks me up bridal style before carefully carrying me down the ladder.

You: I can walk Benny.

He puts me down and grabs my hand and we both walk to my house with my head absolutely pounding. Once we're almost there Phillips comes over on his bike.

Benny: not today Phillips.
Phillips: woah Lilly what happened to you?
You: nothing now leave.
Phillips: Benny probably did this I knew he was always a dick.

I had enough and I punch him right in the nose and he falls to the ground.

You: No! Benny did not do this! He would never do this! I did this helping out a teammate! Stop being such a dick!

I kick him in the area and he rolls over and groans. I feel Benny wrap his arm around my shoulder and he leads me into my house. He walk to my bathroom and sits me on the counter before grabbing a bottle of antibiotics to clean it. He had a smirk on his face the entire time walking from my front yard and still had that smirk.

You: why are you smiling like that?

I say giggling a little bit as he opens the bottle and puts it onto a cotton pad.

Benny: you. Doing that because Phillips said I would hit you.
You: well I know you never would and I hate when he talks about you like that. Plus if anyone he would be the one to hit me.
Benny: probably. Ok this is gonna sting.

He grabs my hand and hold it while dabbing the cotton pad on my cut. It stings a lot so I tighten my grip on his hand and close my eyes. I feel a tear drop from my eye which I feel his thumb wipe it. I open my eyes and he smiles before leaning in and kissing me. We make start making out before there's a knock at the bathroom door. We immediately pull away and my mom walks in.

Mom: oops sorry. Finish up.

She awkwardly closes the door. She probably thinks we were doing something else.

You: mom come in.

She walks in caustically.

You: he was just cleaning a cut on my head
Mom: thank the lord I do not want to see that. Oh and why was some kid getting onto his bike with a bloody nose on our driveway.
You: must've fell off his bike.

Benny rests his head on my shoulder and I can hear him laughing quietly.

Mom: all right then. Oh and Benny your moms coming over her for supper.
Benny; ok thank you Cathrine

My mom walks out and Benny starts laughing.

Benny: fell off his bike.

He starts laughing more.

You: what else should I say. I punched him the nose my mom would not be very happy with that.

He chuckles a couple more times before he moves my legs to either sides of his wast and picks me up and as he walks to my room and lays be down on the bed. He climbs on top of me and rests his head on my chest. I run my hands through his hair before there's a knock at the front door.

You; that's your mom.
Benny: so?
You: so we have to go down there and I have to change.

He rolls his bed and gets off of me while I grab a new shirt and jeans. I change in the bathroom and walk downstairs with Benny. We all eat and have conversations before Bennys and Anne leave.

Benny: bye babe
You: love you
Benny: love you more.

He kisses me and walks into his house. I run up to my room and lay in bed eventually falling asleep.

Summer of "62" ~Benny Rodriguez Where stories live. Discover now