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July 14th 1962

I didn't go to the sandlot yesterday because I wasn't feeling very good. I woke up this morning feeling exhausted and sick. I groan and roll out of bed but once I stand up I immediately feel like throwing up so I run to the bathroom and lean over the toilet. I grab my hair and throw up so it wouldn't go in the toilet. I sit back against the wall and my face feels hot and my stomach is killing me. I can barely stand up but with all my strength I use the wall and stand up before slowly waking to my moms room. I knock on her door to see her sleeping.

You: mom-

I look at her and see her shift in her bed she sits up slowly and looks at me. And then everything goes black and I feel the impact against the ground.

Moms point of view
Me: yes Lilly

Then I hear a big thud, I jump out of bed and see Lilly laying on the ground. She looks unconscious and her face is as white as a ghost. It looks exactly like what her father looked like when he died. I start to panic and I pick her up in my arms and walk out of my house. I see Benny and all his friends standing in our neighbourhood and they all look over at me and run towards us.

Benny: Lilly!
Me: I have to go she will be fine I promise.

I seat her in the car before buckling her up and running to my side of the car. I immediately start driving to the hospital. Once we arrive they take one look at her and put her on bed and roll her into a room. I follow and sit on a chair beside her as they hook her up to a IV and run tests on her. I sit there holding her hand crying. I can't loose you too Lilly your all I have left.

A few hours later the doctors come back with the results.

Doctor: she has a very severe case of the flu. She is in a very deep sleep and she may fall into a coma. Her temperature is a one hundred and twelve. She only has a 50 percent chance of living I'm very sorry.

I put my head down on Lilly's bed and feel the tears stream down my face.

Doctor: I'll leave you two
Me: am I allowed bringing other people in to see her
Doctor: of course I'll inform the front desk
Me: that you doctor for everything

I stand up and kiss Lilly's forehead before walking out of the hospital and driving to Annes house. Once I arrive I knock at the door and it immediately opens.

Anne: Oh my goodness Cathrine how's Lilly.
Me: she's very sick and may be in a coma and she only has f-fifty percent change of l-living
Anne: I'm so sorry

She pulls me into a hug before I hear feet scrambling down the stairs I look up and see Benny running to me.

Benny: Where's Lilly? Is she ok? What's wrong? Is she at home?
Me: Benny she's at the hospital she's very sick
Benny: no she can't be she was fine 2 days ago she said it was a stomach ache
Anne: Benny-
Benny: no this is a joke Lilly's fine right?

I shake my head slowly and I see tears form in Bennys eyes as Anne hugs him.

Me: I'm sure she would love you to visit her
Benny: can I see her now
Me: of course
Benny: what about the rest of the guys there all worried
Me: they can come as well

He smiles sadly and runs out the door to his moms car. Me and Anne walk out as well and we both drive to everyone's houses picking up to boys. I explain to everyone in my car that she doesn't look the same because she's very sick and they all nod slightly. The entire ride was silence. We arrive first and go to her room. She's the only one in there so they allow 12 guests to visit at separate times. Anne and all of the boys in her car arrive too.

Benny: we're is she?
Me: in there only six people at a time.

Me, Benny, Anne, Scotty, Kenny, and Michael all walk in. Benny immediately runs to her bed before grabbing her hand and holding it against his chest. He leans his head over onto her head and I see tears dripping down his face. I hear him mumbling to himself and it breaks my heart he really loves her.

Bennys point of view
I see Lilly laying there she looks lifeless and sad this isn't what she would want she wouldn't want anyone here to see her look this weak. I start mumbling things to her hoping she would wake up.

Me: Lilly wake up please. I can't loose you, your my everything, I love you, I love you more than anything in this world. I can't loose you too Lilly non of us can.

I kiss her forehead and squeeze her hand. I stay like this the entire time everyone else hugs her or says something to her. I just sit there broken imagining my life without her and it really puts into perspective how much I love this girl. Everyone leaves the room but my mom and Cathrine.

Mom: cmon it's time to go Benny
Me: no I'm not leaving
Mom: you have to visitation is over
Me: no! I'm not leaving her like this ok!

My mom looks taken back I mean I just yelled at her.

Me: I-I'm sorry but I can't leave her mom not today, not ever.
Mom: Benny please Cathrine needs time with her too
Cathrine: he can stay I'll watch him
Mom: are you sure
Cathrine: look at them I can't split that apart
Mom: alright I'll see you tomorrow.

Then my mom leaves and it's just me and Cathrine.

Me: thank you
Cathrine: of course

I smile and grab a chair before pulling it to the side of Lilly's bed. I grab her hand and hold it as I rest my head against her shoulder. I slowly drift off to sleep when I hear the door shut and I wake up. I don't see Cathrine anywhere so she must've left then I see a note on her chair. I stand up and look at it. It reads I'm going to grab a coffee I'll be back shortly.
I set the note down and grab Lilly's hand before kissing her forehead and as I'm about to sit down I feel her squeeze my hand. I jump up and look at her to see her eyes slowly opening.

Me: Lilly!
Lilly: where am I?
Me: your sick Lilly your at the hospital
Lilly: oh
Me: I have to go get a doctor I'll be right back

I run out of the room and I see a doctor in the hallway.

Me: hey! She's awake!

The doctor looks up and runs over to her room and to her bedside and I walk in as well. The doctor takes her blood and Lilly squeezes my hand as they do it. After the needle is out the doctor walks out of the room before Cathrine comes running in.

Cathrine: Lilly baby I'm so glad your ok, I'm so sorry I wasn't here, and you had to get your blood drawn without me. I'm so sorry baby.
Lilly: it's fine mom Benny was here still

Cathrine smiles and pulls Lilly into a hug before looking at me.

Cathrine: thank you Benny
Me: always

I smile before Cathrine sits down and I sit down on the chair beside Lilly.

Lilly: Benny
Me: yes
Lilly: can you lay with me
Me: of course babe

I stand up and she moves over as I lay down beside her. I wrap my arm around her waist and kiss her forehead. The two of us finally fall asleep.

Summer of "62" ~Benny Rodriguez Where stories live. Discover now