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July 27th 1962

The boys decided to tie Yeah-yeah to a tree. Benny, Bertram, and Kenny all took ahold of the rope and Ham peddled.

Yeah yeah: ok I got it get me out of here.

We all start pulling him up slowly until he starts screaming. The rope attached to the pedals breaks off and everyone grabs onto the other rope pulling him up quickly. Once he gets over the fence he looks white and completely panicked. He dropped the ball as we were pulling him up so we just untied him and he climbed into the treehouse.

You: what now.
Smalls: I have these mechanics that move with a remote we could use those.
You: good idea Smalls.

He leaves with a couple other boys and everyone else leaves the tree house. Benny and I were the last ones to climb out. I jump from the ladder meeting him at the bottom.

You: you look very cute today by the way.
Benny: well thank you very much
You: your welcome very much.

He smiles before cupping my chin with his hand.

Benny: you look cute every day.

I feel my cheeks heat up and he leans in connecting our lips. His hands rest above my waist and I throw mine over his shoulders before pulling away to the sounds of groans.

Ham: I feel like every time we see you, your always kissing
Benny: in my defence she's a very kissable person

I roll my eyes and see Smalls running over with a bunch of stuff in a cardboard box.

Smalls: come on.

He runs up into the tree house and we all follow. An hour later we have some car thing built and a ramp for it to go down. Smalls called it science against nature. We were all standing in the backyard with are gloves out ready to catch the ball when the ball goes above the fence before being eaten by the beast. Then all of the metal rods start moving and everyone runs away from the fence screaming. The catapult gets thrown in the air and lands bank in Mr. Mertles yard with a thud. We all walked out of Timmy and Tommy's yard back into the Sandlot with Smalls looking devastated. We all went home early today and I had to help my mom with stuff anyways so it's worked out. I helped her clean the house and fell asleep as soon as I hit the pillow.

July 28th 1962

The next morning I was rudely awaken my the sound of pounding at my window. I roll out of bed and open it revealing Yeah-yeah, and Squints standing their out of breath.

Squints: you gotta get to the Sandlot Bennys gone mad.
Yeah-yeah: yeah yeah he's trying to get himself killed.
You: ok ok I'll be out quick.

I throw on a flannel and Jean shorts with some PF flyers and grab my glove before running out of my house to the Sandlot. I get their and I see Benny stepping onto the old car outside Mr. Mertles fence.

You: what's happening.
Kenny: Bennys about to pickle the beast.
Bertram: you can't let him do this Lilly
You: Benny.

He looks over and steps down from the car as I jog over to him.

You: Benny I have no clue what's happening right now but I know I'm not gonna be able to stop you.

He chuckles a bit before looking back down at me.

You: don't let fear take over
Benny: never.
You: never.

I smile and give him a quick kiss as he steps back onto the car.

Smalls: it's ok. It's my fault. You don't have to do this.
Squints: yeah Benny man. You don't have to do it. Forget about it. It's like committing suicide. Benny don't do it.
Timmy: yeah don't do it Benny.
Tommy: yeah. Don't do it. It's suicide.
Benny: yeah I do Smalls. I have to do this.

He gets to the fence and turns to Smalls giving him their signature thumbs up and jumps over the green fence. We all stand their waiting for him to get back over or make a sound but it's just silence. Then the sound of a chain snapping and Benny hops over the fence in shock. We all cheer for him until he looks back at the fence.

Benny: oh shit!

He runs off and we turn to see the beast jumping over the fence as well. Benny runs out of the Sandlot at we all chase after him. We make it to a alley where there is trash cans and a guy getting back onto his bike.

You: come on down here.

They were all a bit behind me so I took off anyways and ran following the knocked over things until I finally see Benny and the beast running so I speed up. I watch as Benny goes into the movie theatre and the beast goes through the glass window. I run around the movie theatre and catch Benny as he's running out. He passes me the ball and we both run to where the founders day celebration was being held. Benny and I hop onto the table where all the food is and we run across avoiding the food the best we can while the beast is knocking everything around. I jump off the table early and Benny jumps over a giant cake getting him farther ahead so I throw him the ball and continue running. Benny runs into the outdoor pool and I run along the side of the gate and he runs out almost as fast as he ran in. We see all of the boys standing outside the pool and Benny starts yelling for them to go to the Sandlot. We both continue running and pass Vincent's drug store before cutting through the alley and running into the Sandlot. We continue running up when the beast bites the back of Bennys jersey. He groans but continues running. Benny and I both jump over the fence landing on our backs but getting up and moving to the doghouse beside the house. We stay there as the green fence comes crashing down right where the beast was standing. The dust sets and all I can hear is the whines from the dog so I step forward before Benny pulls me back into his chest. Smalls steps up and tries to lift up the big green fence on his own.

Smalls: come on guys help me. Please. Benny. Lilly. Guys help me please.

I pull out of Bennys grasp and go to the fence and try pushing it up before Benny comes to my side and we all push it up enough so the beast can get out. I let out a heavy breath of exhaustion and lean back onto Bennys chest as he wraps his arms around me but he's facing Smalls with his jaw dropped. I look over and see the Beast licking Smalls face. We all gasp and the beast pulls away from Smalls and walks towards a giant hole with all of us following along. We get to the whole and see over 70 baseballs sitting their. Theirs a chorus of woah's as we all stare at the whole fascinated.

Benny: now we can play forever

Of course that's the first thing he thinks about.

You: we should probably bring Mr. Mertles dog back

They all nod and Me Benny and Smalls all walk to the stares and Smalls knocks on the door holding the beast by its collar. We stand their until the door opens revealing a man who looks oddly familiar but I have no clue why....


Ok this is a huge cliffhanger and next chapter you will get why. I've had this idea since I started the story so I'm exited.

Summer of "62" ~Benny Rodriguez Where stories live. Discover now