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I arrive thankfully not seeing any sign of a single person I threw my glove on the ground and threw the ball in the air and hit it most of them hitting the fence on the other side of the diamond. But I never missed a single ball. After a little I got bored of that so I practiced my pitching against the wired fence. I practiced my curve ball especially because I just got the hang of it and then my fastball which I usually caught as it rebounded of the fence. Then I start to hear feet shuffling, god I lost track of time. I grab my stuff and run out through the other side of the diamond. Hoping none of them saw me I ran back to my house hoping not to run into anybody. Once I made it back to my house I was nearly and my sidewalk when I bumped into someone and dropped my glove. I looked up it was the new boy he looked about a year younger then me. He bent down and grabbed my glove and handed it to me.

You: thanks! sorry for running into you.
"It's fine"
You: your new here huh
"Umm ya"
You: well consider me your first friend I'm Lilly Anderson. What's your name?
"Scotty Smalls"
You: well Scotty want me to show you around
Smalls: Sure let me tell my mom"

He runs inside and tells his mom that he's going out and then closes the door behind him and runs to me.

You: you got a baseball glove?
Smalls: yeah why?
You: probably gonna need it
Smalls: ok one second

He runs into his garage and grabs his glove and runs back out. I grab my ball and glove and we both walk to the sandlot. I set my stuff down near the entrance so none of the boys would harass me about it. Maybe I'll work up the courage to grab it but not now.

You: Smalls just sit here for a second till they notice don't want to interrupt the play.
Smalls: what's a play?
You: you don't play baseball do you?
Smalls: no
You: you'll learn I promise

He nodded as I watched Benny hit the ball that was pitched my Kenny and the ball hits the fence and Benny is already on first base. He makes his way to second base then third when squints picks it up and throws it to Ham who's back catcher but before Ham could catch it Benny slide and touched home he was safe. I smiled but grew nervous as Benny looked at me and walked over.

You: good job Rodriguez
Benny: why thank you
You: so this is Scotty Smalls the new neighbour he doesn't play baseball but I thought he would make a good addition to the team so...
Benny: well I'm Benny and Lilly we could always use 10 people on the team
You: Benny no you haven't even seen me play what if I was lying
Benny: then you wouldn't have a expensive mitt and bat over there
Smalls: that's why you were hiding it
You: fine but the boys will hate it
Benny: Yes! But they don't have a say
You: I regret coming
Smalls: I saw you throwing the ball at the fence in your backyard yesterday you dented it there's a giant hole
Benny: boy I regret asking you now

I laugh at his remark and grab my mitt and glove and place my ball on the bleachers but just as I did that Ham hit it over the fence.

Yeah-yeah: well shit guess it's over
You: no it isn't actually

I grab the ball and throw it to Kenny with my right hand which was the less dominant arm.

Kenny: she's got a arm
You; you should see me throw with my left hand
Kenny: that wasn't your dominant
You: no
Kenny: oh
Squints: Benny why's your girlfriend here girls don't play baseball
Benny: not my girlfriend and she played baseball so shut it
Ham: girls don't play baseball and nerds don't either

He points to Smalls standing beside me

You: I could strike you out faster and hit it harder then you ever could.
Ham; I like to see you try
You: watch me

I grab the bat from Bennys hands and walk to the plate Ham gets behind me in the back catchers position.

Ham: you don't know what your doing
You: you don't know who your talking to

Summer of "62" ~Benny Rodriguez Where stories live. Discover now