The Bandsters

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Jessica, listening to songs on her headphones, was looking out of the window. One hoarding caught her Jessica and co. was on their way to the studio, in a cab. The cab was stuck in the traffic and attention. It read "BANDSTERS - Season 3" and also, "Get your bands ready," just below the title in big letters. It brought a smile on her face. That was not the show she was a finalist of, but that was where it all began.

'Zach, look at that,' she said and pointed towards the hoarding. 

Zach laughed at seeing that. 'We, sure, have a come a long way,' he said holding his guitar to his chest. Jessica nodded in agreement. 

'But you still can't dance Bruno Mars,' she said mockingly and they laughed.

Anusha, Zach, and Jessica were waiting among the other participants. Anusha was looking around. Every band seemed pretty confident and professional. She got intimidated and told Jessica, 'I have no idea why I agreed to come. To be honest, I don't think we stand a chance.'
'Shut up, we'll do well. It's a really good opportunity and I don't wanna lose it,' said Jessica.
Meanwhile, their turn came up and they were called. They went onto the stage, took their positions and greeted the panel of judges. The judges asked the name of their band and Jessica proudly said, "3 Warriors". Two of the judges giggled on hearing their name while the third one, had a poker face as he didn't want to let them down.

They began their performance of "Viva la Vida". Jessica got involved in the song that she didn't even notice how the judges were reacting. Zach and Anusha put out their best efforts. As they finished the song, Jessica could see- two of the three judges- giving them a standing ovation. It was unexpected and they were elated. Jessica poured an endless 'Thank you' shower. They had gotten through the audition. As they came out, they had a little group hug and Jessica wailed, 'Yes! Yes!'

A nervous Anusha, sitting beside her - still waiting for their chance, gave a clueless look at her and immediately shook her to get her back to reality.

Even before Jessica completely came to her senses, their number was called. They went inside and took the stage. All of them were dead nervous, especially Anusha who was wishing she hadn't agreed to this and would probably run off the stage, anytime.

The judges asked for the name of the band. Jessica hesitantly said their band's name and was anticipating giggles but, to her surprise, nothing like that happened. She was a little relieved. They asked them to name their favourite artists, just to have a small talk to calm them down.
Zach said, 'Bruno Mars,' to which one of the judges said, 'So you got some moves, uh? Can you show us?' 

Zach shook his head and smiled guiltily while Jessica gave him an annoyed look.

'Adele,' said Anusha and it was Jessica's turn. 

She was going to tell Adele but since Anusha just said it, she thought of saying something else. All eyes were on her and she quickly said, 'One Direction,' to which the judges giggled, that finally happened and the joke was on her. 

'What are you, thirteen?' asked one judge.

'Okay, now show us what you got,' said a judge and they began their performance. Jessica, as she saw in her dream, was completely into the performance but her little did she know that her mates would screw up that badly. Anusha, who was on the keys and backing vocals, was completely out of tune and because even Jessica got a little worried which reflected in her singing. Zach did a few mistakes but ultimately managed to get the chords right.

The performance was over and judges seemed disappointed. 'That was not a very good performance,' said one while the other said, 'That was terrible. You need to work a lot,' harshly.
They got eliminated. 

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