The Chance Encounter

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She thought about what Anusha said and decided to go to her parents' house for some time. Her phone buzzed. She picked up the mobile from the table to see the notification. It was an advertisement. Off late, her phone had been unusually silent, calls and messages had been scarce which reminded her of a time when her phone was constantly buzzing. It was after the finale of "Harmony", the reality show which Ankit got her to participate, the show that changed her life.

After the "Harmony" finals there was so much happening around her - many congratulatory messages, many 'It's OK' messages and many offers. But she was mentally in a dark place and wanted to do something didn't require her to make a lot of public appearances. She finally chose to start a YouTube channel, so that she can make money and also put herself out there often. Her parents left to Bangalore after some time and she lived alone in the house. She would often think of going somewhere, far away. But Zach always motivated or maybe, pestered her to keep working. She obliged and kept doing everything in spite of not completely wanting it, just for the sake of being busy and occupied. Unfortunately, the routine exactly turned out as she hoped it would. She would find herself immobile for hours in the sitting room, reliving every single memory she had with Ankit. Even the tiniest of things would trigger off tears. Gone were those days, when she would walk around in a daydream with nothing but a smile on her face. Nothing mattered to her anymore. She eventually became numb to everything and just kept going. She would think that her mere existence was itself an achievement and nothing else mattered.

And now, she finally got some time off and away.

It's been one month at her parents' place now - one peaceful month, away from all the hustle, bustle, pubs and anxiety attacks.

She got up at 6:30 am to for jogging in a park nearby. This has pretty much been her routine for the past month - Jogging in the morning, breakfast, working on some new tunes, lunch, evening jog, dinner and sleep. Though she sometimes finds it boring and thinks of going back, the horrors of those anxiety attacks, and the comfort of peace and getting pampered at home always held her back.

The park had more crowd than usual, probably due to Sunday. There were 3-4 new weekend yoga classes, a whole lot of kids and many occasional joggers. Jessica jogged around noticing all these, with her headphones on. She stopped for a small break and sat on a bench. As she looked around casually, she spotted a familiar face. It was Jay, Ankit's mate back then. She got up and walked towards him.

'Hi,' she said.

Jay turned back. 'Hey, Jess!' He exclaimed.

'What are you doing in Bangalore?'

'I am working here. Got a promotion and transfer, I accepted. It's been six months now.' She nodded.

'What are you doing here, by the way?'

'It's my native. My parents live here. A small vacation, maybe.'

'What's up with you? How's your singing stuff going on?' asked Jay.

Jessica didn't want to elaborate. 'It's good,' she said.

Meanwhile, another guy - probably Jay's friend - came from somewhere and stood beside Jay.

'Oh, you got it?' Jay asked him.

'No, but no problem,' said the guy.

'Fine, then,' said Jay, 'Anyway, meet Jessica, a good friend of mine and Jess, this is Rahul - my roommate,' said Jay as he winked.

She reacted after a short pause after quite realizing what he actually said. 'Oh, that's great! I'm—I'm happy for you.'

'You tell me about your career, Jess? Must be busy with recordings, gigs and all, uh?'

Jessica smiled. 'No, no, no, Jay. I haven't recorded any song yet. Just doing small gigs and mainly working on YouTube content. You know, posting covers and all that,' said Jessica sounding uninterested.

'Oh, I see. But I thought even being a finalist on a huge show like "Harmony" would bring great opportunities.'

'I wish, but that doesn't happen to everyone,' said Jessica with a sad smile.

Jay sensed a disappointment in her and came closer to her. He again asked, this time in a genuinely concerned way. 'Jess, are things really going on well? Tell me if you have any problem or you need some help.'

Jessica quickly refused. 'No, I am alright, Jay. Don't worry.'

Jay didn't really believe that she was alright. After a small pause, 'He was thought you were too naive for this world, and that's why he was there till the end.' Jay looked away and then continued, 'He always wanted you to do well.'

'Sorry but if you are done, can we leave?' asked Rahul.

Jay got back to his chirpy self that he was at the start of the conversation. 'Yeah, sure,' he said.

He looked at Jessica and again asked her to call him for help if ever needed. He hugged her. 'Be smart, Jess. See you,' he said and went with Rahul. Jessica was stood there and saw them walking together - Talking about something and having a little laugh. 

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