The(ir) Love

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Ankit and Jessica were in the channel's office. As Ankit was ready to leave along with Jessica, Jay popped out of nowhere and insisted them for a cup of coffee.

'This is Jay, my roommate,' said Ankit to Jessica.

Ankit and Jay sat across the table and Jessica by Ankit's side. Jessica was over the moon when Ankit sat beside her but little did she know that he sat there to talk comfortably with his friend.

Throughout the whole time, they both kept talking. Jessica was awkwardly sitting in the corner sipping her coffee - which was horrible - and scrolling through her mobile. She felt as if she was invisible especially because Ankit didn't turn to her even once.

Just few minutes before leaving, 'You seem really quiet,' said Jay looking at Jessica.

Finally, they noticed her. She gave a weak smile, in response. Ankit paid the bill and they got up to leave. At the entrance, a cab was already waiting for Jay.

'See you, then,' said Jay.

'Yeah,' said Ankit and they both hugged each other.

Jay was going to be away for a week - the info she got to know through their conversation. But they were hugging as if it was forever. Jessica was wondering on why they were over-reacting, but that was not it. Just after they hugged each other, they kissed each other on the lips.

Jessica was taken aback. She couldn't believe her eyes. Meanwhile, Jay got into the cab and waved bye at Ankit. Jessica thought maybe it's a daydream but she wouldn't get a daydream where she isn't the main protagonist. She was confused and wanted ask Ankit about it but didn't how. Ankit got into his car and asked Jessica to get in.

She sat on the front seat beside him. As he started the car and drove some distance, she hesitantly started. 'Mm....uh...Can I ask you something?'

'Shoot,' he said changing the gear.

'Are you single?'

'Arey, you just saw us. Obviously, no,' said Ankit casually.

'Us?' Jessica asked, a little surprised and confused.

'Jay and I,' he said while steering.

'What?' she wheeled. Her pupils dilated and her heart stopped beating.

'Why are you reacting all shocked? I just you that he is my roommate.'

'So, that means he is your--your...'

'My partner,' said Ankit, completing the sentence for her.

Her dreams came crashing down. She never in her wildest dreams thought Ankit would be gay. She fell for him right after she saw him at the "Bandsters". She stalked him across all social media and was happy to see that he was single. Also, there were not many pictures with girls except a few group pictures. She thought he was a gentleman.

She started fantasizing about him and just when she was thinking about various ideas of contacting him, he called for "Harmony". She thought it was destiny. And after getting to know him and his generous heart, she fell head over heels for him. Nothing bothered her, their different castes, different backgrounds and not even the 12-year age gap. All in vain, now.

After few minutes of analyzing his history and the evidences, she suddenly popped up with a question.

'Why was your Facebook status single, then?' she asked.

'Facebook? Who uses all that now? I completely forgot about it until you mentioned now,' he said with a smirk.

She rolled her eyes. 'So roommate means boyfriend in "gay lingo"?' She asked mockingly.

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