This Town

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It had been quite some time since they uploaded the video.

Now, Jessica was currently in a Press meet. Her song now only became a smash following the implication of her strategy, it also invited some controversies. She was in a Press meet to answer all their questions and defend her song. But people seemed pissed off, they attacked her as if she was the LGBTQ leader or her song is the reason why Section 377 got decriminalized. One middle-aged orthodox reporter was especially so angry that he could burst anytime. As the arguments heated up, he got up from his chair and started scolding her - so loudly and aggressively that the whole crowd shut its mouth.

Jessica felt really awful. She put herself in the wrong light. She kept her eyes down the whole time, out of shame. Suddenly, she looked up at him as he started making a weird noise, 'Phew...phew...phew...'

She got petrified and didn't know what to do. She thought maybe he went nuts. Everyone looked at each other and the intensity of his noise kept increasing.

Jessica jumped from the sleep to that weird, loud honk made by a truck or lorry on the road, outside her house.

Half - asleep and confused, she checked the time in her mobile, '8:30 am,' it read.

'Argh, these shitty dreams,' she said.

As she placed the mobile beside her on the side table, it buzzed. It was a call from Anusha.

'Hello,' she answered groggily.

'Did you just wake up?' asked Anusha.

'Yeah,' said Jessica.

'Oh, okay. Listen, I've got good news for you.'

'What? Did our song go viral?' she mocked.

'Yeah! It's trending on the third place. Our efforts didn't go in vain.' Anusha exclaimed.

'What, really?!'

'Yeah! Check your mobile, first.'

'I will, I will.'

'Oh wait! Zach's beside me only, talk to him.'

Zach quickly started the conversation, all excited, 'Hi Jess! We made it, yayyyyy!'

'Yeah! Thanks to you! Nothing would've been possible without you,' she said.

'It's okay, yaar. I'll be at your place in an hour. Let's partayyy!!' said Zach and cut the call.

Her efforts didn't go in vain. All of those advertising according to the YouTube algorithm requested shout-outs by various real-life gay and lesbian couples - including Jay and Rahul, and other strategies worked. She finally understood what Ankit always believed in - STRATEGY. She was extremely happy, after a very long time. She looked at the views, it had crossed a million. It was on the trending list. She couldn't contain her excitement. She went to the balcony and felt like shouting "Yayy" aloud to the world but instead just smiled - a smile brighter than the morning sun. Whenever she saw the moving traffic outside her house, she would always feel as if the whole world was moving forward and she was struck in the same place. But, now she felt that she was finally moving forward. As she looked at the clouds, she wished if Ankit was here to see her succeed. He would've felt proud to see her slaying it with her smartness - something which he always wanted her to be. She felt gutted but for the first time, she was happy and not sad.

Jessica made it to the finals of "Harmony". On this account, Ankit called Jessica over to his place and they were having a small celebration. With light music playing in the background and Ankit, Jay and Jessica were chatting, drinking and enjoying themselves. While Jessica was sitting on the sofa, Jay was sitting on the floor, leaning on the sofa. Ankit, who was high just after a few drinks, was lying on the floor staring at the ceiling as if it was the night sky.

Jay switched off the music. 'It just hit me, why do we need to listen to someone else's music when such good singers are here?' said Jay in the middle of sipping his drink.

'Singers?' asked Jessica.

'Yeah. You and...' he paused for a dramatic effect. 'Ankit!'

Ankit a surprised look. 'What? Ankit sings?' asked Jessica.

'Really well but it is exclusive. He sings only for his special ones, like me!'

Jay continued, 'Okay, you sing first. Then, a special performance by ANKIT!'

Jessica quickly sang two lines of a song and got done with it as she was excited to listen to Ankit. 

'What was that?' said Jay as she randomly sang two lines and stopped. Meanwhile, Ankit got up from his sky-gazing position and clapped for her as if she gave an amazing performance. 

'Whatever,' said Jay and looked at Ankit. 'Now, it's your turn, my love.'

Ankit corrected his voice and when he was about to sing, he looked at Jessica. 'But we have another spectator today. I am feeling shy. I won't sing.'

Jessica got annoyed and signalled Jay to some persuade him to sing. After assurance from Jay that she'll close her eyes while he is singing and not look at him, he agreed to sing. Jessica closed her eyes initially for him to begin.

"Waking up to kiss you and nobody's there..."

As he started singing, Jessica opened her eyes. He seemed to be lost in his own singing that he didn't notice her opening the eyes.

"The smell of your perfume still stuck in the air, it's hard..."

Jessica couldn't believe it was Ankit who was singing. She was awestruck. She hadn't heard the song before but instantly liked the sad but sweet song he was singing. To her, he seemed like a naive, heartbroken teenager who was singing about his first love.

"If the whole world was watching, I would still dance with you Drive highways and byways to be there with you Over and over the only truth Everything comes back to you.."

As he sang those lines, Jessica was transported to another world - A magical world with just her, him and his angelic voice. And of course, the unavoidable Jay - who was also in a similar heavenly state.

As Ankit finished, Jessica's eyes were filled with tears. She didn't know if it was because of his beautiful singing or the bittersweet song or the fact that the lines of the song, that very much described her love for him. She just went ahead and gave him a tight hug and kissed on his cheek. She couldn't hold it anymore. 

 'I love you,' she said looking straight into his eyes. He smiled and said, 'me too'.

The voice of Ankit and Jay exchanging kisses and "I love yous" brought her back to reality. The tears were true but nothing after that. She quickly wiped her tears. She thought one day she should sing this song to him and impress him but neither did she know that this was the last time she saw him nor will she develop an aversion towards this song - "This Town".

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