Chapter 3: Weak

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Manhattan, New York:

"Hello?" Justice answered her phone as she exited the gym.

"Hey Justice, we caught Brianna stealing out of the register again. What do you want us to do?"

"Let me holla at you right quick." Amir said coming out of the gym.

"Don't call the police just give her the rest of the week off and I'll deal with it when I get back in town." Justice said. "I gotta go imma call you in a minute." Justice added before Amir grabbed her phone out her hand hanging it up. "What the fuck Mir." She said shoving him snatching her phone back.

"What the fuck was that?" He asked in an aggressive tone.

"Nothing happened, Jonny introduced me to the new coach that was all."

"Fuck was you smiling and shit for? Flipping yo braids tryina be cute and shit."

"Boy you didn't marry me! You married her!"

"Lower yo fuckin voice when you talkin to me, understand?" He gritted in her face and she only nodded.

She couldn't fight the tears, each time she blinked them back the burning sensation in her eyes only made more and more tears fill her eyes until they spilled over. "Why won't you just let me go? I wanna be happy and you won't let me-"

"I can't see you with nobody else Justice, that's some pain I can't deal with." He mumbled against her lips. He wiped her tears away grabbing her face inbetween his hands. "I love you Justice."

"If you love me then let me go Mir." She said in a pleading tone, he didn't hear anything that came out of her mouth. Instead he grabbed her hand pulling her into the family restroom, he locked the door. He'd picked her up sitting her on top of the counter. "I'm not doing this with you aga-"

"Shut up Justice." He replied, she didn't know why she listened to him. It was something about him that just made her soft, she listened to his every word. She got even softer for him when his lips pressed against hers, and at first she didn't kiss him back, at first she wasn't going to give him what he wanted, but then he roughly grabbed her neck making her loan into his mouth. Her lips began to move in sync with his and her fingers tangled in his short blonde curls as they made out feverishly.

She slightly pulled back, "What about Robin she gone co-"

"I'm just tryina taste you baby.." He untied the draw strings on her jogging pants. He pulled her shoes off and then her pants and underwear.

"Wait what if somebody comes Mir, I c- fuck.." She mumbled as his tongue slipped between her second set of lips flicking her clit slowly. Her legs were hoisted over his shoulders, she leaned back against the mirror. She'd stared down at him as his tongue slipped inside her, he didn't take her eyes off of his. They loved looking at each other it made everything better.

She loved how he looked like he enjoyed having her in his mouth. Most of the time he just gave her head, it was like he enjoyed pleasing her more than anything. "Fuck I-I love you so much Amir.." she gasped out the moment his tongue began flicking against her clit faster. She gripped his curls grinding slowly against face and he moaned her clit making her close her eyes and rest her head back.

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