Chapter 15: Don't Deserve

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Houston, Texas:

"You alright mommy?" Amari mumbled as he flipped the bathroom light on closing the door behind him. He opened the closet grabbing a rag turning on the cold water. She made it to Amari's bathroom just in time, and when he heard her he immediately woke up.

He pulled her hair back dabbing the cold rag on her neck, cheek, and forehead. "Thank you baby boy." She mumbled not bothering to move from over the toilet. She wanted to make sure she was done throwing up.

"Ion like this they can't give you nothin for that?" He asked as he cleaned her mouth placing a kiss on the top of her head.

She chuckled a bit, "No Amari they can't." She replied as he helped her off the ground.

"Are you gonna tell pops?"

"Yeah, I just don't know how." She admitted before she rinsed her mouth out. She then used some of his mouth wash to continue cleaning her mouth to get rid of the nasty after taste in her mouth.

"Why you so scared of him Ma? Has he hit y-"

"No baby your dad would never in his life out his hands on me like that."

"Okay so what's the problem? I don't understand."

"I love him Amari, I waited 21 years for him to finally come to me and I just don't wanna mess that up."

"Your one mess up compared to his what? Millions of mess ups?" He asked. "Besides Ma, if he leaves so what, he didn't deserve us anyways. He always leaves us when it gets tough and it's always Mani that gets us outta them tough times."

"You right baby." She said as he hugged her tightly.

"It's not a bad thing you pregnant ma, and he shouldn't make you feel like you did anything wrong because you wasn't with him two months ago."

"Imma tell him Mari."

"I love you mommy." He said as she laid her head on his chest.

"I love you more baby boy."

"You gotta tell him."

"I know." Was all she said as she sighed, how was she going to tell him? Armani who was leaning back against the wall listening to everything felt his heart drop. He made his way out of Amari's room careful not to make any noise he didn't want them to know that he was listening to everything. He too had woke up after hearing his mom throw up, and when he came in Amari's room they'd started a conversation and he decided to listen. His little brother was right, his dad always pretended to be the man of the house but when Amir left Justice repeatedly and broke her Armani had always put her back together.

Especially during her pregnancy with Amari, he seen her at her lowest. Nobody had ever seen Justice that low, but he didn't let her sit at her lowest alone. He didn't understand what was going on but he did know she was hurt, so he was hurt. He was there for everything while Amir was there for nothing, when her water broke Amir wasn't there, Armani was the one to call for help. He realized he took up for his dad all this time hoping that one day he would just treat Justice right, and he never did. He disappeared all throughout her pregnancy. He didn't have his dad for almost 10 months and that hurt him. He always placed the blame on his mom, but in reality it wasn't her fault she was just around so she got the blame, while he gave his father no trouble for the pain he caused. He just let his father get away with doing what he did with no consequences. That wasn't fair to his mother and he felt bad for that. Now Armani was angry.

When Amir came downstairs Armani was sitting on the couch watching The 100. "Why you ain't at school?" Amir asked

"My mama don't feel good I ain't goin no where." He mumbled not looking away from the TV.

"I got it, get yo ass up and-"

"Yo pops check this, I know you back but when she sick I take care of her during the day and Amari got it handled at night. I'm glad you back don't get me wrong but who's to say you don't miss yo wife tomorrow and leave us here to hear her cry herself to sleep every night? Thanks for the offer old man, but no thanks I got it handled." He replied reverting his attention back to the TV.

"Mani!" He heard Justice shout.

"Here I come Ma!" He shouted getting up.

"What's wrong with you?" Amir asked confused by Armani's sudden aggression.

"Stop playin both sides. You don't get to have Robin and my mama no more I'm puttin a stop to that now. Neither one of them deserve that, you would still be with Robin if you hadn't seen how happy she was with Will. Listen to me and listen to me good pops.." Armani said getting in his face. "You will not stress her out, she's pregnant and scared to tell you. Now that you know if you wanna leave, and you can't handle that? I suggest you leave now cause I can hold her together while the damage is small but if you wait until she's attached to you again, if you wait until she so blinded by you she can't see her own self worth again, I won't ever talk to you again. I won't ever want anything to do with you, cause you don't deserve us as it is and you need to start acting like you know that." He pushed past Amir jogging upstairs leaving Amir feeling bad.

He plopped down on the couch, when he left Robin, Alizé and Angelica stopped talking to him. Amari made it clear he wanted her with Will, he wasn't disrespectful toward Amir but Amir could feel the animosity Amari felt for him. Now Armani? None of his kids were pleased with him right now, and that hurt him. That caught his attention, he always had his kids no matter what he did to Justice or Robin the kids never treated him differently. Now that they were? His world was starting to fall apart and he didn't know what to do next..


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