Chapter 3

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Lost Boy by Ruth B. Is this chapters song

I peak out from Nik's chest to see smoke rising in the distance. The trees clear out and I'm met with a cabin almost identical to my home. Nik gently eases the door open and I'm immediately met with familiar and unfamiliar faces. Gramps sits at the kitchen table with  two older native Americans who share Nik's features.

Gramps jumps out of his seat startling us all. Nik holds me closer and glares at gramps.

"Let go of her you oversized dog!"

"Back off Leroy. You know good and well I wouldn't hurt her."

"You're naked for Pete's sake! Ellie close your eyes."

I can't help but laugh. Gramps is always so indifferent yet here he is about to pop a vein over Nik being naked. Wait, he called him a dog.

"You knew? How long have you known?"

"Known what?" He plays dumb and suddenly I'm very angry.

"That he is real! That I am not insane! That Nikan can turn into a wolf?!" Nik offers soothing words in my ears as the woman, his mother I think, hands him a blanket and gives me some hot chocolate. Her eyes hold curiosity and sympathy.

Nikan sits me down at the table with the blanket and disappears. When he comes back he is fully clothed. I can't look him in the eye. I'm too nervous and embarrassed. To my surprise he scoops me up and sits in the chair. I shift even more uncomfortable.

Gramps sighs and Nik's parents just stare at me. I swallow and find a stain on the ceiling very fascinating. How did that even get there?

"Look, Ellie, your father didn't want you exposed to this world. I've known the Potawatomi tribe people all my life. Our families have peacefully coincided on this land for hundreds of years. The deal was we keep their secret if they stay away from our families."

"Sounds kind of rude to me." I spout and he shoots me a look.

"Many years ago our people had to go into hiding as the white men began killing us in cold blood for our land. The story is the same for the few tribes left. Your ancestors gave us a place on their land when we were fleeing for our lives. The Great Lakes were once our homes. Now, we must hide the truth for the sake of survival." Nate explains.

"Elliana, you don't know anything about what being that boys mate means. It means danger, it means leaving the world you know behind. It means you cannot go back into our world if you choose him." Nikan stiffens beneath me and his grip around me tightens.

"What's a mate?" Nik's father bursts into laughter.

"You didn't even tell her? What was your plan, Son?" His mom slaps his father on the arm and Nik let's out a groan.

"We didn't get that far. She was lost in the freezing snow. I brought her here and was bombarded by the welcome committee." He glares at gramps.

"You had weeks to tell her. We assumed you two spending time together meant you were showing her our world. Did she even know you were a shifter?" His dad asks. Nik's silence is answer enough.

"Boy, I taught you better than this. You've neglected your responsibilities for weeks to do what? Gallivant the woods with the white Pocahontas?" He gestures to my bow on the floor and I roll my eyes. He ties long dark hair behind him and stands.

"Tatiana, you get to deal with this. You convinced that boy to go after her. As for the moment we must decide what will happen now. The treaty states that once she knows she must decide whether she accepts our world or returns to hers. What'll it be? He looks between me and Nik.

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