Chapter 9

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I am awakened by my mom and grams hovering over me. I gasp and jump back, startled by their presence. They laugh and I shoot them a look before hiding beneath the quilt.

"What are you two doing?" I grumble from under the blanket.

"I wanted to show you something and I just couldn't wait." Grams says with a big grin.

"Ugh. It couldn't wait an hour?" I Go to the closet and grab a light blue sweater and some jeans. When I walk out of my room my mother hovers over me insisting I close my eyes for grams surprise. I humor them but complain about needing to brush my teeth and brush my hair. Mom says she'll allow it and I roll my eyes. Mom drags me into the living room, her hands covering my eyes. When I am allowed to See what the fuss is about I'm stunned.

Grams is standing in the living room holding a dress. After a moment I realize it isn't just a dress, it's a wedding dress. The most beautiful one I've ever seen. It's an ivory long sleeve gown that looks likes it's made from smooth satin. It's simple yet somehow so beautiful. The veil is so long it takes up half the small living room. I run my fingers over the translucent material.

"Well, what do you think?" Grams asks with a twinkle in her eye.

"I-it's perfect. How did you-?"

"It's mine. I wore it the day I married gramps over forty years ago." She beams with pride as she reminisces.

"Grams, I can't take your dress..."

"You don't have to but if you like it I want you to have it. I know you probably won't be allowed to go back into the city and shop so I thought maybe you could take mine." I tear up and we all hug. Mom starts to cry and we all just stand there in an embrace.

"I can't believe my baby is getting married. And to a shifter! I'm so very happy for you and Nik. You don't know how much I regret keeping the truth from you."

"Thanks mom. I know dad was afraid. It's okay. I'm here now and that's all that matters." I can't be angry with them after knowing the truth.

"Let's get you in this dress and see how it fits." Grams says as she begins to help me undress. The woman has no boundaries. She and mother help me slip into the dress and she sets a full length mirror up so I can see how I look.

The dress forms perfectly over my curves. As much as grams would hate to admit, I inherited her figure. We decide to take the hem up because it is a little long. When my mother adds the veil it sinks in. I'm getting married. Soon I'll be Nik's wife and I will be making a commitment not only to him but the tribe I know nothing about.

My smile falters and mom makes eye contact with me in the mirror, concern evident on her face. I try to smile again but it's not genuine. I never could hide my feelings. My face gives them away.

"You alright dear?"

"I will be." I clear my throat when i begin to choke up.

"Where did that sparkle in your eye go? Having second thoughts?" Grams questions.

"No, I love Nik. He's the only one for me. I tried to date in college and I just couldn't find it in me to be serious about anyone. Nik was always there in the back of my mind."

"We know. You wrote several books about him." I roll my eyes and mom giggles.

"So why the long face?"

"I'm nervous about how the tribe will react. I don't know anyone but Nik and his parents and his father is very much against our being together. I don't want to be an outsider again. I was an outsider most of my life. I don't want to be that anymore."

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