Chapter 7

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Nik's POV

I burst into my other skin and run through the forest. I said it. Like a dummy I poured my heart out and told her I love her. I've laid all my cards on the table, yet somehow I can't regret it. I have loved her since I was seven. Before my first shift I knew I loved her. I remember the year I turned sixteen so vividly.

It was the first year she returned. I was in wolf form making my rounds. I always stopped by the Mayfield household to check on her grandparents. Her grams always sat on the porch waiting for me to show up. She would gently shake her head to let me know she hadn't come home.

She knew what Elliana was to me long before I really comprehended it myself. That day I showed up and there she was. She got out of the car and just stared into these woods. She couldn't see me but I saw her. Her honey brown eyes met mine and I went weak in the knees. One word bounced around my head: mate.

I always thought I'd have to love her from afar but fate gave us a second chance, I just have to show her we can make it. We don't have to be like her father and Raine. There are many happy couples that are living a safe, happy life in my tribe.

I arrive at the council building and shift back. I jump into my clothes and walk in. I'm greeted by my father, the chief with a weary smile. I nod politely. Our relationship has been strained since Ellie came home. He's not so happy about allowing her into our family with her father's mistakes hanging over us. How does that make Ellie guilty? It doesn't, but for some reason the old man can't see it.

I think he also hoped I'd end up with Rhiannon, my beta. Thank god she and Koda ended up being mates because neither of us were interested in being more than friends.

Koda is the delta even though he is the oldest by several years and Rylin, Rhiannon's little brother is also a shifter. He just turned a few months ago. Together we are a team and we are plagued with the responsibility of ensuring lone wolves are taken care of before they can attack our tribe.

The council consists of my parents, Koda's father, Rhiannon's parents and an elder is selected every five years to represent those who do not shift.

My generation will take over once I mate with Ellie. That thought alone sends so many images of her into my brain. I can't help but think of her full lips, her pale skin, how small she is. She's so short and it makes me want to be her protector. That fiery hair and those big brown eyes... and those curves, all those curves.

"Get your thoughts out of the gutter. The meeting has started." Koda whispers. I roll my eyes and tune back in to the meeting. The human elder, Lee, is speaking.

"The greenhouses are producing well and crops should be plenty this winter. I would like to suggest a tribe thanksgiving to keep unity. The children are especially fond of the shifters and it's an extra opportunity for them to see you."

I nod in agreement. My favorite part of being a shifter is all those kids. It gives me a chance to teach them the tribal way and preserve it for their generation and they enjoy seeing us in wolf form.

"All in favor?" A unanimous vote.

"Well there is only one more matter to discuss. My son has found his mate it seems. The human girl of the mayfield family we share our lands with."

"What of it?" Rhiannon's father asks.

"Given that her father once led a lone wolf to our tribe and she is new to this world I would ask the council to support a decision to protect our own."

"What are you proposing, Nate?" Mom eyes him warily. He's caught her off guard. Heck, I am confused. What's he doing?

"She still has not decided whether or not she will mate. I think, given the past, we establish a rule that she must decide and if she chooses to mate with my son she must never leave the tribe because of the risk she poses coming and going. It's a spoke. Rule that needs enforced. She must also be mated to Nikan by New Years Day. If not she will not be allowed back due to safety breaches that could occur."

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