Chapter 10

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The song for this chapter is Demons by Imagine Dragons

We make our way to Koda and Rhiannon's house. It's a cabin like the other homes we pass along the way. When we arrive everyone throws on more clothing which I assume is for my sake. I shudder at the thought they've all seen each other naked.

Nik hugs me close on the couch assuming I'm just cold. His lips graze my temple and I begin to relax.

"So Elle, what should be talk about first?" Rhiannon taps her jaw as she thinks. I'm not sure why she called me Elle. No one ever has but I kind of like it. It sounds stronger than Ellie.

"How often do lone wolves come onto your territory?" I ask the first thing that comes to mind. Seeing as how I'm still thinking of those lifeless eyes it seems appropriate enough to ask.

"Not often, maybe a few times a year. Usually they are so far gone they don't remember they are human so they can be aggressive."

"What makes a shifter become a lone wolf?"

"Losing a mate, usually." Koda grimaces and holds Rhiannon closer.

"The ones who attempt to cross into a pack are always hoping for the same outcome; death." Nik whispers.

"Some also try to kill the alpha in an attempt
To take control of a pack. Obviously, we'd never let that happen." Rylin says. I'm beginning to like him. He is young which accounts for the fact that he doesn't try to filter out his words.

After a few hours of learning about shifters and the tribe Nik explains that tomorrow is their tribe thanksgiving dinner and asks me to come.

Koda begins making dinner in the kitchen so Rhiannon drags me outside and tells the boys we need girl time. She doesn't seem like the type to enjoy girl time so I'm worried about being alone with her.

When we reach the lake I figure out we have walked so far so that no one will overhear us. My legs are achy but I grit my teeth in an attempt to look fine.

"You only have a few hours to learn how to wipe that deer in headlights look off your face. We've got some work to do."

"What exactly should I do tomorrow? How will I win everyone's trust before New Years? They all see me as the daughter of a murderer."

"Well, be prepared for me to bring up the fact you saved Nik's life. That should help. I made the boys stay back when I saw that bow in your hand. Luckily, you didn't disappoint." She smiles genuinely pleased when I laugh. The fact she took the chance of
me dying just to prove my loyalty is a little insane. But, I think that's her style.

"Okay, what else should I be prepared for?"

"You are not well known in the tribe. The council has been quiet about you because they don't want the tribe realizing you love Nik. They are hoping you'll leave our tribe behind."

"I love Nik. I can't run away from something just because it's uncomfortable."

"Good answer. Nik is babying you. He hasn't told you anything because he doesn't want to scare you. You need to realize we are born to protect which means sometimes we have to kill to protect our people. We also spend shifts patrolling to keep lone wolves out. That means Nik is going to be spending hours at a time away. He's the alpha so it's his instinct to take the longest patrols."

"Okay, what will I need to do? I mean shouldn't I be helping the tribe in some way? I don't want to sit at home all day staring at the walls."

"They expect you to lead. Don't ask them how to do anything. Ask us if you need help but try to go with your gut. Fate chose you to be Nikan's mate which means there's leadership skills in there somewhere."

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