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The epilogue song is It's nice to have a friend by Taylor Swift

The school bell rings and the children file out of the library. I grab my jacket and race out the door. I make my way to the hospital and Nik waits for me at the door. He pulls me into a passionate kiss and we walk hand in hand into a room on the east side of the building.

Mackenzie waits there for us. Nik helps me onto the table and she spreads the warm gel over my growing belly. She places the wand a little lower and the strong heartbeat fills the room. Nik beams with pride. It took us two years but we finally got pregnant.

"There's our girl! My how you've grown little one." Nik coos. She leaps around and kicks me swiftly. She's feisty as her father already.

"She is growing right on track. I'd say she'll be ready to meet her parents in around three more weeks." Mackenzie says as she wipes away the gel.

"Thank you Mac, hows Winnie?" I ask concerned.

"She's alright. She hasn't slept since the last serum worked. She's monitoring that shifter constantly."

They've finally come up with a way to help the lone wolves and if they choose to stay they welcome them into the tribe after some rehabilitation. With the success of the serum and the three new graduates, Raza and Mackenzie will be moving away to help others soon. It's bittersweet.

My father died two days after my wedding, peacefully in his sleep. Nik of course allowed and performed the ceremony allowing him to join Raven in peace. My family was able to attend and say goodbye.

Mom stayed with grams and gramps for awhile and after a few months she and Lee grew close. They fell in love and have been married for almost a year now. He treats her like a queen and I'm happy she's here with all of us and that she knows what it's liked to be loved to the fullest.

Juniper recently figured out on her own that she is Rylin's mate and though he tries to stay away she won't relent. Winnie gave up and said she's our problem now. Rhiannon and I are working with her. She is full of fire and he doesn't know quite how to reign her in yet.

Rhiannon and Koda have a set of one and a half year old twins, Robert and Riley and she is due with her third child around the time I'm due with Hope. She can't wait for Hope to grow up and be the first female chief and alpha.

Life has become full of sweet peace and though times of trouble always come I know we can face anything together. Nik and I grow deeper in love everyday and we are both already in love with our sweet baby. Family is precious and I wake up every day thanking God that fate brought us together.

I met the love of my life at seven. We met each other in the woods day after day and that love created a bond that nothing can break. Sadness has turned to joy. Pain to peace and fear to hope. That's why we decided to name our baby girl Hope. So that someday she will see that even the darkest past can be healed with hope.

The end.

This book is dedicated to my grandparents who inspired the characters of Grams and Gramps and to every reader. Thank you.

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