Chapter 13

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Nik's POV

We all make our way into the cabin and the elders become quiet. Kodas father is the first to speak up.

"You may have won over some of the people but the council is unimpressed. It is your duty to protect your mate and the people." Koda glares icily at his dad.

"You'll watch your tongue when speaking to my mate if you want to keep it." I warn. He growls at me and I step closer, pinning him against the wall. He smiles wickedly.

"Already turning on your people for that scum I see."

"That's enough! If you want to survive to see tomorrow I suggest you sit down and stop speaking!" My grip on his throat tightens before I let go. He sits down while staring at my mate. The authority in my voice is too difficult to resist.

Ellie stands there confidently. She doesn't even look afraid of me. I don't know what's happened to her but she's changing already. She's accepted her role, I can feel it. She is determined to do her best and my heart swells with pride.

"Nikan, Robert is right. It is her duty, however I cannot overlook the fact that she saved your life. You have my blessing. As long as you are mated by the allotted time." I nod at him. I guess this is my fathers way of saying sorry.

"With the councils permission I would like to begin my time here with the children. I also would like to set a date for the ceremony, now actually."

I stand beside her and our hands find each other.

"Would you like a position at the school? I hear you are quite the author. We could use a full time librarian. We also lack a real arts department if you're willing to take the time to improve the school." Lee suggests. Ellie beams.

"I would love to. Thank you."

"Absolutely not! I won't allow an outsider to brainwash the children!"

"If anyone is brainwashing children it's you mother! This place is turning into a cult!" Rhiannon shouts, her short hair and sharp jaw makes her look even more fierce.

"She's right. This council has turned something sacred into a disgrace. I will not allow you to punish Elliana for an accident that happened before she was born. She is learning our ways but she has a lot to offer from a different perspective of the world. We can't continue to shelter the kids from everything but other tribes. You rob them of knowledge and experience. You need to let the past go." I state as calmly as I can.

"I agree with Nik. It's time to let go of the past." My mother says. Lee and Rhiannon's father agree with her.

"I won't let go of the past. My mate is dead. Someone should be held accountable."Robert spits.

"I loved her too you know. My sister deserved to live." My mouth flies open. Why didn't anyone tell us that Roberts mate was my aunt?

"Why didn't you tell me?" I stare into my fathers eyes as they fill with sorrow.

"It is too hard to talk about her." Everyone stares at me waiting for what I will say next.

"It changes nothing. My mate deserves a chance to be happy here with me. And she will be." She squeezes my hand and my heart goes haywire at the small gesture.

"I don't want to cause trouble." Ellie is interrupted by Robert.

"Too late." I roll my eyes.

"I would like a fresh start. I'm willing to give you everything you've asked. I want to marry Nik on Christmas Eve." I bring her hand to my mouth and I can hear her heart flutter in excitement.

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