Chapter 3: The Night

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"Hey." I answered back.

"I guess the universe wants us to always meet in awkward situations." He laughed.

I laughed back.

The room was quite big: two beds, one huge bathroom, and it also had a TV. My room was smaller. It had a single bed and a small bathroom. No TV.

"I'm sorry but, could you help me with my tie? I bought it in Europe and I can't tie it now."

"You think this is an "Europe tie"? There are no European ties, you just bought something really awkward. That's probably not even a tie." I laughed, and he laughed back.

"Well then I think I can't go to my dinner today. I have no other tie, and I'm not going to wear this without a tie."

Was he really complaining about a stupid tie?

"Come on, I mean you look great. Wait..."

I opened his shirt a little bit so that it would look something like a "fancy mess". While I was opening his shirt a button got out. He was shirtless again.

"I'm so sorry! OK, now I really can't go to the dinner. This is the only suit I have here. And I could go without a tie, but I will surely not go without a shirt."

"Come on." I grabbed his hand and started walking towards my room. I grabbed a nice white shirt and a dark grey tie.

"Oh my god, you just saved my night. I hope you will come into my room everytime I have a problem." He laughed.

"You know what they say about hope, it breeds eternal misery." I said (It's a quote from the TV show: Pretty Little Liars)

Connor noticed that I watch Pretty Little Liars (PLL).

"I'm not going to the dinner." he said.

OK, what is the problem now? I gave him my shirt and my tie! He must be one of those famous divas. Maybe he participates in a reality show!

"Why not?" I asked.

"Well, I noticed you have no TV and there's a PLL episode coming tonight. So, maybe I thought we could watch it together in my room. The dinner was going to be boring anyway." he said.

That invitation sounded.. nice. I couldn't speak for a few seconds, but then I opened my mouth and said: "Sounds good."


The episode was almost over and I didn't listen to a single word. I was distracted, he was there. This is awkward, but he smelled really well. I wonder which fragance he was using.

"OK, so what did you think of the episode?" he asked.

Even though I didn't listen to anything I said: "It was good, thanks for inviting me."

He smiled and said: "I know it's late but, would you maybe watch a movie with me? I really want to watch it. It's the new "Hunger Games" movie."

I loved the Hunger Games so I stayed. It wasn't because of him. It was because of the movie. OK, maybe it was because of both.

Even though he had two beds, we only sat in one of them (it was big enough for 4 people or more). The other bed was full of cameras and studio lights and so on. So I thought maybe he is a famous photographer, I had no clue.


Connor fell asleep half an hour before the end of the movie, so I watched it until the end.

He looked so cute, so "watching the movie until the end" meant watching him sleep. Usually it annoys me, when people fall asleep during a movie but, this time I was sort of happy. He was so beautiful, oh my god!

I decided to leave and go to my room, but first I put a blanket over him. I know it's something that usually only happens in the movies, but it felt like it was the right thing to do.

When I was opening the door I noticed, that the door was closed! Really? What now? He's going to get naked? OK, actually I really hope he doesn't, because it would be really awkward and it would ruin the moment. Tomorrow is my first day of work and I had to sleep because of that , and I didn't want to wake him up, so I just laid next to him.

I don't know why but I was happy. It was so comfortable, and I felt safe with him, I didn't know why. I almost fell asleep watching his face. In that moment I really wanted to... to kiss him. I could imagine us kissing to the sound of a romantic song. And that was why I woke him up and told him to open the door.

I was afraid. This was all new to me. I CAN'T fall in love with him. I barely know him and I'm with Lily now. I can't cheat on her, we've been together for 4 years, and even though it isn't a lot it meant a lot to me. I couldn't destroy everything because of someone I just met.

He woke up, and opened the door.

Connor: " See you tomorrow."

Me: "Tomorrow?"

Connor: "Well, I thought maybe we could do something together, when are you going to wake up?

Me: "Around 9am. I have to work at 2pm, but I wanted to go around the city before work."

Connor: "So, it's a deal. See you tomorrow at 9.30am. Don't be late. Good night.

Me: "...OK, good night."


He smiled to me before closing the door.

I can't resist to him.


Wanna know what happens next? :) Then save this in your library! A new chapter will probably be coming today or tomorrow! :)

Next Chapter: A Table For Two

Hope you liked this chapter! I'm loving to write this :) Love you all, have a good day/night!


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