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It's a Lumity AU. There are no witches or magic, they're humans.

So, all the witches are now humans, and also Hooty won't be in it. I'm sorry if you like him, but he's not going to be there because, um, the convenience of the plot? King won't either. Sorry. I like King, he's a great character, but again, the convenience of the plot.

This is my first fanfic, so be nice! I would enjoy constructive criticism and be grateful for it, but please don't be flat out rude. And don't leave homophobic comments or anything that might make someone feel invalid or I will delete the comment.

If that bothers you, go read another fanfic. But anyway! Yeah, have a Lumity fanfic!

(Also I apologize for the awkward introduction. The rest will be less awkward probably.)

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