Regret-filled Memories

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Short little story to warm up

Feels odd to start off with angst, there will be happy ones

The memory was stuck in his mind, it wouldn't disappear.

He could remember it clearly, it had happened years ago but he could still recall it like it was yesterday.

It was the end of senior year of highschool, they had just graduated a month prior and were about to head off to college. Him and his buddies were down at the wharf celebrating.

They didn't have much money so they mostly were walking around and goofing off.

"Jimmy Jr!" He heard someone shout from behind him. He turned around, annoyed that someone was trying to ruin their fun, only to be met with Tina Belcher running towards him.

"Uh hey Tina." He had awkwardly greeted when she had caught up to them. "Hey.." She panted out, as she tried to regain her breathe. Tammy looked disgusted at the eldest Belcher daughter "ew what are you doing here?" The blonde girl had asked, putting her hands on her hips as she glared towards Tina. Tina sighed, trying to not snap towards Tammy "I just need to talk to Jimmy Jr quickly, that's it."

"Fine whatever."

The ginger boy shrugged and followed Tina as she took him away from the group. "So what did you need to tell me?" Jimmy Jr asked, he looked over to Tina as she fidgeted with her hands and refused to make eye contact with him. "I'm going to be leaving New Jersey soon for college, and because of that I wanted to come clean about something."

He looked at her confused, waiting for her to continue.

"I like you Jimmy Jr, I have for a long time now, but I know you don't love me back and that's okay! I can't force feelings that aren't there."

She went silent, as tears began to fall from her eyes and down her pale face. Jimmy Jr looked up at her saddness-filled chocolate brown coloured eyes with guilt, he couldn't put to words how he felt for her. She was right though, you can't force feelings.

The girl sucked in a shaky breathe, trying to regain composure. "I just wanted to tell you this before I leave for college, goodbye Jimmy.." her voice creaked as she spoke, a result of crying. Tina wiped the stray tears as she turned on her heels and started walking back up the street to her family's restaurant.

He watched her leave in sadness, tears threatening to fall but he pushed down deep inside. Hiding them. He told himself he was only feeling this way because she was leaving. As she had made it to the wharf's entrance, he turned around and walked back to his friends.

Tina had flown out a week later for college.

He had liked her, he still does. But he was too afraid and shocked by the sudden confession to respond to say anything.

That day has become his greatest regret, that he didn't tell Tina he loved her. He hadn't seen her since that day, it seemed he'd never see her again. He missed her.

Jimmy Jr hadn't found another someone he loved like he did Tina.

She had found herself a man it seemed by the photos she'd posted on Facebook, she looked happy. A part of him wished that man were him, he wanted to be with her, but the two of them were not meant to be I guess.

"Maybe it would've been different if I had told her all those years ago.." he would say to himself longingly.


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