First Meetings

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Author: Written completely on a whim, inspired by and dedicated to ValiantWarrior37 on! My first (and probably only) Modern Jelsa AU. Warnings for drug use and sexuality, everyone's favorites. The cover was made by the lovely The_Atlantean. Also, nothing in this story reflects my personal views on drugs, drinking, etc. It's a story. Relax.

This was going to be a one-shot, but because I'm me, it wound up being much longer and will be multi-chaptered.


December, 2005



"Pretty please with chocolate fudge?" Elsa gave her sister an incredulous look. Anna was getting desperate. "I'll be your best friend?"

Elsa finally turned around in her office chair. "Anna, come on. Mid-terms are coming up, I've barely gotten any studying in, and I don't even like rock music."

"What do you even listen to?" She grabbed the pair of headphones off of Elsa's neck and listened. All she heard were orchestra instruments. "Rock's kind of like that." She knew she wasn't going to convince her, but it was worth a shot. "My friend bailed out on me and now I'm stuck with an extra ticket I paid for!"

"Well," Elsa turned around and threw her headphones back on, "I'm sorry you didn't plan it far ahead enough." She skipped to the next track on her Rachmaninov CD.

Anna yelled so Elsa could hear her over the music, "You never go out and have any fun! You're always at the library or hiding in here doing nothing. Don't you have any friends?" Elsa decided she was going to pretend she didn't hear that. Anna was desperate now, and she knew Hiccup would be waiting for her since she hadn't told him what was happening yet! "It's not even a huge group of us that's going, it's just me, Hiccup, and his friend Jack."

Elsa knew Hiccup, but not as well as Anna did—they had the same major, and so they swapped notes and studied together. Anna always kept the pictures she took on her computer, she loved to make collages and keep prints in photo albums; that was the only way Elsa could remember what Hiccup looked like... as for Jack, "Which one's Jack again?"

"Oh, he's super cool! He's been friends with Hiccup for, like, ever!"

"Have I seen him before?"

"Uh, I don't think so. He's kind of weird and to himself like you."


Anna ripped the cord out of the CD player and spun Elsa's chair around. She finally got down on her knees and put her hands together in a begging motion. It wasn't so much about wasting the money, but about getting her sister out to have a good time for once. It was always like this with her; Elsa had more trouble making friends than Anna did, which was a shame, since she was the smartest, sweetest, and funniest big sister ever! More people ought to know that.


"We don't even have to stay the whole show! If you wanna leave early, we will. I promise."

Elsa couldn't believe her sister... actually, she could. She never gave up and sometimes it was her most irritating quality. Finally, she stood up, "Just give me a few minutes, then I'll be ready."

"YES!" She hopped up and ran to her phone to update Hiccup.


October, 1998

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