Coffee and Laughs

94 7 1

January, 2006

Elsa paced anxiously back and forth outside the coffee shop. She tried to keep a casual aura, like she didn't care if Jack showed up or not, but she felt her posture made it obvious. He'd said around three o'clock, and it was still only two fifty-five. It's not like this was a date or anything! Just chatting with a friend... a friend she stayed up the night before talking about virtually nothing. Elsa couldn't explain why it happened—they both just had so much to say and lost track of time.

Should I check my phone? What if something came up? What if he sees me looking at my phone and thinks I'm nervous about seeing him?

Elsa stopped and took a deep breath. Zen. It's fine. You know Jack. We're just going to have coffee and talk like normal people.

Then a familiar voice appeared out of nowhere, "Hello, stranger."

She almost jumped, but Elsa kept her composure as she turned around... then noticed his once brown hair was now pure white! It looked like it had been white his whole life. "Wow..."

He knew what she was getting at. "I know." He nervous-laughed. "This is what happens when you're hiding from family during Christmas dinner."

"It looks good!"

"You think so?" Elsa nodded. "I told Hiccup winter break was so traumatizing that my hair turned white."

"Well, I think suits you." And it makes those blue eyes jump out at you. She couldn't say that! He might think she was flirting! Fuck, her face was getting hot, was she blushing?

"Wanna get inside away from this cold?" He opened the door for her.

"Oh, yes. Thank you." He let her go in first; the wait in line was quiet and awkward; both waiting for the other to start the conversation. Elsa had her hands clasped together and Jack had one of his in his coat pocket, both looking anywhere other than each other.

Then they both spoke at the same time.

"So how was—"

"Can I ask—"

Both hushed and chortled uncomfortably. "You first." Elsa insisted.

"How was the trip to Ohio and back?"

"It was nice. Getting there, I mean. The drive itself is awful."

"I can imagine. I guess I lucked out when it comes to going home and back."

"I'm surprised you don't go more often if it's only an hour."

"I mean, traffic-wise, it's not always worth the hassle. And I already talk to my mom pretty much every day, she knows I'm still alive."

"You got one of those moms that worries about their baby boy?"

He snorted rather sardonically, "You have no idea." They didn't even notice it was their turn to order. Jack let Elsa go first and, after they got their drinks, both took a seat. The pause in conversation had only made the atmosphere more tense. "So, what were you going to ask earlier?"


"Earlier you said you wanted to ask me something." Jack reminded, hoping he hadn't heard wrong.

Elsa herself had nearly forgotten! "Oh, I wanted to know what Allentown's like. That's all."

Jack shrugged, "Uh... it's a city." He didn't really know what to mention. "A lot of history. Every friggin year we had a field trip to the Liberty Bell Museum. Huge baseball community. A lot of art."

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