What's Best For Him

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A Week Later

Elsa didn't see Jack until the following week after they got their new schedules for the spring semester. He'd assured her over the phone that all was well, and Elsa felt no need to press any further about the details of his grandfather's funeral. She made a promise to herself that on their next date, she wouldn't ask any questions. Not about his past, his family, anything. Just enjoying the moment with her most favorite man in the world.

When they met for coffee and a walk in Central Park, she noticed Jack was better... It was almost suspicious. His affect was up, and disposition more light-hearted.

"I'm so happy I don't have anatomy this semester. I barely kept it above a C, and of course, Anna was no help." Elsa shared; the two were holding hands as they walked. It made them both feel like they were a teenage couple.

"Anything below an eighty-five in my house was an F." Jack snorted, "If there's one good thing my father did, he gave me decent study habits."

"Science was always my weak point. Chemistry wasn't too bad, but Bio and all that, I don't know what it is—I struggle."

"If you want, I can tutor you." He put an arm around her, "And I know the perfect way you can pay me." He kissed her temple.

"Let's see how it goes first." Elsa giggled. "Mind if we sit?"

"Nope." They both eyed an available bench up ahead and strode towards it.

"You ever get anxiety dreams about school? Every time break's about to end, I have dreams about being late to school, or not being able to find my classes. Sounds ridiculous, huh?"

Jack shrugged, "No, I've had those. I've had dreams where I'll be writing something down on the board, but every time I look up, there'll be something different written on it and I can't keep up."

Elsa snickered, "Our dreams can be so cruel, can't they?"

Jack chuckled rather sardonically, "Don't I know it."

Elsa's face fell, but Jack wasn't bothered at all. If anything, he was more than happy to laugh about it. Perhaps time with his family was just what he needed; whatever had healed him, Elsa was grateful for it. It was getting late and the lamps were starting to turn on. It was getting colder by the minute, and though they'd take any excuse to cuddle, they'd rather do it somewhere with blankets.

"Maybe in another minute we should go?" Elsa suggested.

Jack quirked a brow, "We don't have to wait."

"So you're saying you don't want to...?" She came in close and kissed his lips. A small laugh escaped Jack, but he gladly returned the kiss. No more persuasion was needed to keep him there. Elsa had always wanted long kisses under the sunset. Late evenings where the sun was no longer in sight, but there was still enough light for the pink and yellow clouds to be seen. The blue hour, one called it. Elsa wished small moments like this could last forever.

Emboldened by seeing her fantasy come true, Elsa slid closer and deepened the kiss. One of her hands left his face and went to rest on his thigh. Jack broke the kiss and stared into her eyes, "Elsa–" He sighed, hands cupping her face. She hushed him with another kiss, her hand moving a little closer to his groin, taking advantage of the growing darkness and the fact no one was paying attention.

Jack stealthily moved her hand closer to the bulge in his pants, taking care to make sure it wasn't obvious to any passing stranger what they were doing. He couldn't hold back a pleasurable shudder as she pressed her hand against it. Elsa had the same look in his eyes that he did. A light blush trailed across her cheeks. "I wish Anna wasn't home tonight." She lamented in a whisper.

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