An Unfinished Portrait

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The Next Morning

Jack stirred when he felt a small kiss on his chin. He didn't wake until he felt another kiss on the corner of his lip. With a small grunt, he opened his eyes.

"Good morning." Elsa smiled. She'd been lying on his chest. Right as he wrapped his arms around her she pressed more kisses to his cheek.

"I'm not usually up this early." He confessed, closing his eyes again.

"I know." She replied, in a giggly mood. His cheek got another kiss and he grinned. "Did you sleep well?"


"What'd you dream about?"

"I don't remember." His voice was raspy, and her warm presence was too soothing to not fall back asleep with. On top of that, the touch of their naked bodies was something they both quite liked even when they weren't making love. Elsa had no qualms about letting the blankets expose her breasts. She felt so alive and uninhibited. And so in love.

She rolled to her side the way Jack was facing and poked his nose. "Boop." He smirked, but didn't open his eyes. He really wasn't used to being up yet. Elsa herself wasn't usually this chipper either. It was the afterglow. "Will you wake up if I make breakfast?"

He snickered, "I'm not a breakfast person." He didn't want to make her go through the trouble of cooking for two. To show he wasn't bothered by her abnormally good mood, he pulled her in for a snuggle. "Last night was spectacular."

"I have to agree. Better than over the phone." That got a genuine laugh out of him. "I am hungry though, so I'm gonna make some food. I'll make some coffee too." She seemed to float out of bed and put on her clothes.

Jack rolled over and watched with a small grin on his face. His hair was messier than usual thanks to both sleep and the previous night's events. "Do you mind if I use your shower?"

"No. You'll have to use my very feminine-smelling shampoo, though."

"Hey, wanting to smell pretty does not make me less manly."

Elsa chuckled, hopping into her sweat pants. "I'll see you in a bit, then." Before she could make it to the door, she felt him grab her arm and pull her back on the bed. He held her tightly and showered her face with kisses. Elsa laughed; he was too cute. The feel of her body brought back the night's memories and Jack could easily have another go. "Come on, I get irritable when I'm hungry." She slipped free.

"All right..." He feigned disappointment.


For breakfast, she made scrambled eggs and pork sausage. It had taken Jack five minutes just to get up out of bed, and then his shower was another twenty. When he finally appeared from the bathroom, his hair was still slick and damp, and Elsa could see the shine on his skin from all the scrubbing.

"About time." She said. "There's coffee in the pot."

"It took me about ten minutes to figure out how to turn it on." He joked and grabbed filled the mug left out for him.

"You're sure you don't want breakfast? This takes like two minutes to make."

"I'm really not hungry." He reassured. "I can make it through the day with just coffee alone."

Something profound struck Elsa then. "How often do you eat during the day?" She realized she'd only seen him eat twice in the time she's known him, and they were both only partial meals. He even barely touched the popcorn bowl the night before. He didn't look unhealthy, but it made her wonder.

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