Entry Thirteen

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Dear Journal, 

      I am now back at the loop with my children. As I predicted last time, the didn't behave so well. For some reason they tried to go outside the loop even though they know they with turn to dust, itty bitty pieces of dust. I have had so many ymbryne meetings that I'm just exhausted. I plan on pitching myself off this building one day, maybe that could end my troubles. 

Nothing has come up for Lea and her children. There were no clues and no letters that could explain where she went. We have had so many ymbryne meetings yet nothing has popped up. I get more anxious when time passes and I haven't received a call from her. Isabel thinks that a wight has captured them but I just don't believe that's the case. 

Isabel and I are planning on leaving the loop, just for a little bit.


Alma LeFay Peregrine

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