part 1 Awesomeness

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It was a beautiful summer day, the blue sky clear without a cloud in sight. Otis and Olympia were heading back to headquarters. they had just finished fixing an odd problem; a man that was turning things to gold when he touched them.

They were walking along the sidewalk, headed for the nearest tube entrance, as Olympia talked to Otis about random things.

"And that is why the ice cream surveillance truck is one of my favourite things at Odd Squad." Olympia explained, Otis simply nodding in response.

"Hey, remember that one time when we saved the world and went to space in that truck?" Olympia asked Otis. She was referring to the time when they used the ice cream surveillance truck to go into space when they had to save the world after stopping weird team.

"How could I forget? That was amazing." Otis replied. Even he had to admit, it was a pretty awesome experience.

Olympia sighed contently as she continued "That was amazing. It was so awesome getting to work with Olive and Otto too!" she recalled excitedly.

Olympia had already really admired Olive and Otto and their work, but after actually meeting them, both Otis and Olympia became really good friends with Olive and Otto, so they wished that they could get to hang out with them again sometime soon.

"Yeah. They're pretty cool." Otis agreed.

Just then, they arrived at the tube entrance, which was behind a lamp post.

Olympia ran behind it, Otis following her, and in a blue flash of light, they were traveling in their red tube pods back to hq.

As soon as they stepped out of the tube lobby, Otis and Olympia heard Ms O shouting "Olympia, Otis, in my office now!"

The two agents glanced at each other, wondering what Ms O could want to talk to them about.

They quickly made their way to her office.

"You wanted to see us, Ms O?" Olympia questioned when they entered their boss's office.

"There you two are. Something very awesome has happened." Ms O stated.

"Um don't you mean something very odd has happened?" Otis hesitantly asked.

"No. I mean awesome." Ms O replied. "You two have met Olive and Otto before, right?" she double checked with a slight smirk, already knowing the answer to the question.

Olympia smiled widely, nodding vigorously as she tried and failed to contain her excitement.

"Well, they called a little earlier and requested to see you two in their office as soon as you can." Ms O informed them.

"Oh my gosh!! Are you serious?! Really?! That's amazing!" Olympia nearly squealed in excitement.

"What did they want to see us about?" Otis inquired, trying to mask the fact that he was getting pretty excited too.

"I don't wanna give you all the details because Olive and Otto said that they wanted to talk to you about it in person." Ms O explained "But what I can tell you is, it's pretty awesome. Olive and Otto will tell you everything you need to know when you get there." she added.

Olympia looked over at Otis, who couldn't help but smile just a bit. They were finally going to see Olive and Otto again!

"Thanks, Ms O. We'll head over there now." Olympia said to Ms O.

"Good. Report back to me and let me know how everything goes when your done over there." Ms O replied.

"Got it." Otis and Olympia said in unison.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Go!" Ms O yelled, sending the two agents dashing out of there, headed straight for the tube lobby.

"Isn't this great, Otis? We're finally gonna see Olive and Otto again!" Olympia exclaimed. She really did squeal that time.

"Totally." Otis replied, following Olympia to the tube lobby.

Posted! 😘 First chapter! So this is a new story that I've been thinking about doing, so here it is! I hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter and I hope you're gonna like the rest of the story!

Plz vote, comment, all that fun stuff!

Thx! Kisses! 💖💖💖💖

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