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3 Weeks Earlier

                Yeonjun invited the boy' over his house. He planned on finally telling his friend who he was dating. He wasn't going to continue lying for long since he was sure his friends were getting suspicious.

          His friends let themselves in & made themselves at home. Taehyun was the last to arrive. "What did you insist us coming over to hear ?", Beomgyu asked just as Taehyun took his seat. Soobin gently locked his hand with Yeonjun'.

      Each of the other boy' faces lit up in excitement. "How long have you been hiding this ?", Kai asked very amused by the entire situation. Yeonjun flushed sheepishly. "I think for about 2 months. We didn't know how to tell you."

            Beomgyu laughed dramatically. He tended to be over the top with his reactions. "You're no worse than Yoongi hyung and Hoseok hyung. They hid their relationship horribly for 5 months before they decided to say something."

          Kai rolled his eyes. "So what about you and Taehyun ?", Soobin asked clearly joking. Yeonjun hit his boyfriend softly as he saw the embarrassed face Taehyun made. Beomgyu took the question seriously. "What about us ? Taehyun is my best friend. Nothing more than that."

       They all were quiet, but that didn't last for long. Kai let out a awkward laugh, "Uh, let's move on." Soobin agreed already changing the subject. "Namjoon hyung & Jin hyung' wedding is coming up." All the talk about love soon subsided given that Yeonjun noticed Taehyun was exceptionally quiet.

      Almost everyone was in a relationship. Namjoon was to marry Jin. Yoongi was with Hoseok. Jungkook was with Taehyung. Lastly, Yeonjun has announced he was with Soobin. Jimin, Kai, Beomgyu, & Taehyun were single.

          Jimin focused more on his career as a modern contemporary dancer. Kai found dating quite gross & rather focus on his friends. Beomgyu wasn't into dating at the moment. Jimin was the first to notice the off energy in the room. He nudged Jungkook and pointed to Taehyun.

            So Jungkook pulled Taehyun aside. "What's bothering you ?" Taehyun teared up, but refused to cry in front of the older male. Or anyone for that matter. "I'm fine, hyung." Jungkook easily knew this was a lie. He often acted this way when his hyungs got concerned. "No you aren't. What's making you so upset ?"

     Taehyun scoffed. It was more at himself than anyone else. "I love Beomgyu, hyung." Jungkook rested a hand on his shoulder. "Let me guess, he only sees you as a friend. Am I right ?" Taehyun nodded. He was actually quite annoyed that he was expecting Beomgyu to just feel the same. Even if he knew that wasn't possible. "Have you spoken with Beomgyu ? Keeping this to yourself won't make you hurt any less."

       Taehyun rolled his eyes. "I can never tell him, hyung. Beomgyu sees me as his friend. Nothing more. No good will come out of telling him." Jungkook would've said more when he looked at the door, spotting Beomgyu.

               Then there was only two. "Please, tell me you didn't hear any of that." Taehyun couldn't handle being even more embarrassed than he was. Beomgyu heaved out a sigh, "I heard all of it." Taehyun' face became even redder than it previously was. "Can you just like...pretend you didn't hear any of that ?" Beomgyu gave Taehyun a sad smile. "I'm sorry, Hyun. I just don't see you that way. You should move on from me."

            As if, Taehyun' world wasn't crushed enough. Beomgyu has confirmed he wants a strictly platonic relationship. All fueled by his emotions Taehyun ran out. Heading home and furthest from everyone. Especially Beomgyu.

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