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At Yeonjun' House

            Taehyun made himself comfortable. He was talking with Kai. Completely unaware that his friends were assessing if he still loved Beomgyu or not. Soobin decided to just be straightforward with Taehyun.

       "Do you still love Beomgyu ?" Taehyun flushed. Last time he admitted that Beomgyu saif he was nothing more than a friend. "Why do you ask ?" Taehyun was trying to avoid the question. He didn't want to suffered the embarrassment he did last time he admitted his feelings.

        Soobin & Yeonjun left the living room. Kai gave Beomgyu a thumbs up before leaving them alone. It was silent for some time. "What is the meaning of this, Beomgyu ?" Taehyun honestly was mortified. Was this just some sick game ? Was Beomgyu going to shut him down again ? Hasn't things been great since he came home ?

               Beomgyu grabbed Taehyun' hands gently. Looking Taehyun in the eyes saying, "I love you, Taehyun." Taehyun' eyes weld up with sad tears. He clearly thought Beomgyu still stood by what he said a little over a year ago. "As a friend, right ? I already knew  that."

            Beomgyu leaned in maintaining eye contact. "I'm in love with you, Taehyun. I mean that." Taehyun wiped his face. "What changed ?" Beomgyu gave a raw sad smile. "What changed ? You leaving without saying a word is what changed. I missed you, Taehyun. I don't want to let you go again."

            Taehyun still seemed unconvinced. No matter if he was slightly leaning in as well. They locked eyes. "You aren't lying ?" Beomgyu made a shocked face. "When have I ever lied to you ? I mean it."

            "Beomgyu hyung--" Taehyun was cut off as Beomgyu connected their lips in a gentle sweet kiss. The moment was soon ruined as Kai, Yeonjun, & Soobin came back into the room screaming in excitement.

Things weren't so bad after all...

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