6 (The Park Jisung Of It All Pt. 2 ?)

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                      Beomgyu and Yeonjun soon made it to SM Entertainment. "You don't think we can turn back ?" Beomgyu asked slightly anxious. What if he makes a fool of himself ? What will Taehyun think of him ? Does Taehyun even still like him ? 

                  Yeonjun smacked him. "Stop spacing out. The longer we stand here the more we'll look--" Yeonjun was cut off when he spotted Johnny. "You guys looking for Taehyun ?" Beomgyu gave a polite smile seeing as Johnny was older. "Jisung invited us. Any idea on where the Dreamies are ?" Johnny lead them to a dance practice room. Jisung was showing Taehyun some choreography alongside Mark & Jeno.

                  They entered the room slowly. Beomgyu headed straight for Taehyun. "Finally you're here, Beomgyu. I was starting to worry." Taehyun said while also trying to follow Jeno' moves. Yeonjun engaged in conversation with Jaemin, Renjun, & Donghyuk. (A/N: Shotaro and Sungchan would be Dreamies if we went off their ages. However, I didn't mention them here since they haven't really been placed in a subunit. They have only debuted under Resonance Pt1 with NCT U.) Quickly Yeonjun learned of the relationship within the Dreamies. Donghyuk was with Mark. Jeno was with Jaemin. 

               The one that really shocked Yeonjun was that Jisung was with Chenle. He could still see how jealous Beomgyu was of Jisung. Even though there was now nothing to worry about. So he rushed to Beomgyu' side before he did something stupid.

      "Psst !" Yeonjun whispered trying to get Beomgyu' attention. Beomgyu was in-between staring lovingly at Taehyun & glaring at Jisung. "Pssst !", Yeonjun tried again still getting no response.

     In the end, Yeonjun had to pull Beomgyu aside. "What is it, Yeonjun hyung ?" Yeonjun rolled his eyes smacking Beomgyu. Beomgyu flinched this time. Kai had hit him enough times earlier. "Don't you even dare of messing with Jisung."

           "Why can't I mess with Jisung ? Look at him. Getting all close to Taehyun like that...." Yeonjun sighed. "Jisung is dating Chenle. He isn't making moves on Taehyun." Beomgyu didn't believe what he was hearing. So Yeonjun showed him.

           Sure enough Beomgyu saw Jisung being attentive to Chenle. Acting like Chenle was his world. "I'm to ask Taehyun if he wants to spend the night at my house. Wait for us at the the car ?"

     Beomgyu headed out to the car pouting. Luckily, Taehyun agreed to sleep over at Yeonjun' house. Was there hope for Beomgyu after all ?

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