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Departing Day

(A/N: short chapter)

          The last week has been a transitional period for everyone. Taehyun was all packed. Jungkook & Jin were going to send him off. "Thanks again, Bam. Taehyun really needs this." BamBam smiled as Ten helped Taehyun with his bags. He had previously picked up Ten & Lisa before getting Taehyun. "No problem. Call anytime to check on him."

            Soon the four of them were in Thailand. Each had a room to themselves.

       A few short hours later Ten checked on Taehyun. "Let me know if you need anything, alright ?" Ten was used to being around younger guys. Jisung ad Taehyun shared a birthday. He felt they'd make great friends.

           Taehyun nodded & gladly took the number Ten gave him for Jisung. It couldn't hurt to make new friends right ?

           Taehyun quietly unpacked and got settled in. This would be the first time he was away from the boys.

       It was going to take some getting used to. That's for sure.

                Everyone met at Bangtan' house. Beomgyu was the first to notice Taehyun was absent. "Where's Taehyun ?" Jin, Jungkook, & Namjoon shared a looked. Yeonjun, as well as everyone else wondered the same thing. Soobin tried calling only getting a voicemail. Namjoon gave a forced smile, "I'm sure he'll call us back soon."


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