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6 Months, 3 Weeks later

               Taehyun was flourishing. He has grown close with BamBam, Ten, & Lisa in his time in Thailand. Taehyun wasn't over Beomgyu, but he was in a much better place.

              "All packed ?" Lisa asked giving the younger male a bright smile. Taehyun gave a small smile in return. He was finally heading back to Korea. Going to finally see his friends after a year & a half away. "Yes, Lisa Noona. All packed."

       To be honest, Taehyun was going to stay the night at the GOT7 dorm the night they get back. He hopefully would've found a good condo since he didn't want to continue sharing a space with Beomgyu.

          The first thing Taehyun did was fall asleep at the GOT7 dorm when they were back in Korea. BamBam called Jungkook. "What's up ?", Jungkook asked clearly exhausted. "We're back in Korea. Taehyun should be finding his own place & seeing all you tomorrow. For now he is sleep here at the GOT7 dorm."

                 To say the least Jungkook was excited. He screamed, "YES !" Which only resorted in Yoongi throwing something at his door yelling, "Shut the Hell up ! Some of us are trying to sleep !" BamBam soon hung up.

         Morning soon came around. Taehyun had breakfast with GOT7 before leaving to move his stuff into his new condo. JB was married to Youngjae. Jinyoung, Jackson, & Mark were throple. Leaving BamBam to be dating Yugyeom.

        It wasn't long until Taehyun decided to head to Soobin' house.

Meanwhile At Soobin'

                  Beomgyu was an entire mess. They've been trying to cheer him up. Soobin was nearly pulling out his hair because of Beomgyu' attitude. They all missed Taehyun. A small ding of  the doorbell had caught their attention.

          Kai was closest to the door, but didn't really have enough time to get up because of Beomgyu. Beomgyu rushed, nearly falling onto the floor to fling the door open. "Taehyun !?" Taehyun just gave a smile before Beomgyu threw his arms around Taehyun.

                  "Where did you go ?" As well as many other questions were thrown at Taehyun as he was let in. Taehyun seemed to be in a happier place, which settled Beomgyu' little overdramatic heart.

                     Taehyun told them everything. Taehyun hadn't noticed, but Beomgyu was jealous that  Park Jisung was all Taehyun could talk about. Kai noticed that Beomgyu' attitude changed the second Jisung had gotten brought up. So the maknae came up with a plan. He was going to get Taehyun & Beomgyu together.

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