"y/n, you can't keep that cat here" keishin tells you . "but it's mine now" you reply while looking at him. "where'd you even get a damn cat from?" he asks. "the park" you mumble. "what were you doing in the park?" he asks confused.
"looking for the fucking cat. duh" you reply to him. "i'm not doing this today- iwasaki y/n, return the cat to the park" keishin tells you . "uhn uhn. she's mine, i found her fair and square" you say while shaking your head.
everyone stands around, and watches as you guys go back and forth, amused. "can i hold her?!" noya yells while holding out his hands. "sure, i have to get her checked up today too keishin so, i probably won't be here when the rotations begin" you say while giving ken ken to noya.
"y/n. your not keeping this cat" keishin says again. "i bet i do" you say while crossing your arms and looking away with your nose turned upwards. "i swear your so childish" he mumbles.
"when we get back, don't even look her way" you say while looking at keishin before noya gives ken ken back to you . "we're heading to the pet store now" you add while holding your keys.
"whatever. don't be gone too long or else i'll tell grandpa you've been hanging out with nekomata" ukai tells you . "as if he'll answer your phone calls" you mumble while walking past him.
"you little shit" he says while pinching your arm as you laugh. you run to your car and sit ken ken in the front seat. "you stay put while i text kuroo" you mumble while pulling out your phone.
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i'm going to get ken
ken checked up be
back later
wait are you going
i can come
with you
no you're busy.
i'll be good😛
please don't hurt
the kitten...
i'm a safe driver
she's gonna be fine
you're not but text
me when you
get there 😀
you roll your eyes and put your phone down and turn on the car. "i don't know where the hell i'm going, but hopefully we end up at our destination" you say to yourself as you drive off.
shortly after a few wrong turns, and a recalculated gps, you get to the pet store. after ken ken gets checked up, and her shots, you sign papers to fully adopt her. "here are some meal suggestions for you guys, if you need any assistance around the store, please feel free to ask" the worker says.