To Libropio22

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For Libropio22 who asked: To Vault Elder, what was Eden like before it was corrupted?

(Before we go further on, I would like to say that THIS IS NOT OFFICIAL. This is made-up, and everything I am about to say IS NOT THE DEV'S LORE. Please please please, just take notice of that, otherwise, thank you so much for reading this far and I hope you enjoy)

-Vault Elder-
Before.. The Eye of Eden became corrupted. It's hard to think so far back. But I'll tell you what I know. As a child, Eden was a beautiful grassfield. Almost like Daylight Prairie. Creatures like mantas, whales, spirit mantas, every sky creature, living in peace and harmony. The angels helped everyone. Everyone was happy and full of light energy. I remember, it was full of life and so bright. It was pleasing, almost like it was made of pure light and the feeling of opening a new scroll. I would always visit the library as a kid, there were scrolls on every topic, almost a million times more than what we have now in the vault. Darkness plants were always fiction, nobody was even afraid of krills! It was just fiction, a story, just something adults joked
about to put kids to sleep. No storms, no rocks, it was perfect. Ah.. how I miss those days.
If there are any specific questions, see me in my temple or send me another light. Thank you for your light.

For Libropio22 and for all Sky Angels. May the light always be with you.

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