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When will it STOP

Someone make it STOP

We are bleeding out please I am begging you make it STOP

No one in this world knows how to STOP

No matter how hard we try we can't make it STOP

Its never going to STOP

I just want it to STOP

The earth is bleeding still no one will STOP

They don't teach boys to STOP

People don't know how to STOP

We continue to be greedy to take and take and take until there is nothing left every problem Ignored passed over forgotten

The world only sees what it wants to see

Blind to everyone else's struggle, loss , failure

Blind to everyone else's pain

Soon we'll be too late we won't be able to fix the cracks in the vase that is the planet it will fall to the ground and shatter and we will all


AN: A special thanks to the people that actually read my garbage luv you <3 ~~XOXO Cam

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