twenty three

103 3 6

horny mf's 😫

chosen one ⚡️
petition to kill draco, sign here

eiffel 🥲
uh oh

tower 🧋
what'd he do this time

cool weasley 🤍
he fucking broke harrys nose
im gonna kill that

one direction 😍
luna coming in clutch and fixing it

chosen two 😎
luna my gf

quidditch bitch 🧹

eiffel 🥲
godric, diagon alley is a mess

chicken 🍗
well at least ur shop is still up
charging me ten fucking galleons for shit

tower 🧋
ur fault

eiffel 🥲
not ours

cool weasley 🤍
anyways, on a silly note, mcgonagall forced harry and ron to do potions 🤣

chicken 🍗
fuck off

one direction 😍
dont be mean ronald

chicken 🍗
i was supposed to use that time to practice quidditch
try outs are tmmrw

chosen two 😎
ronald, im sure youll do just fine

chicken 🍗
easy enough for u to say, ur the bloody captain of the slytherin team

quidditch bitch 🧹
wait what

chicken 🍗
oops 🧍

tower 🧋
wait when did this happen

chosen two 😎
uh yesterday lol

eiffel 🥲
and u werent gonna tell us

chosen two 😎
well i was going to wait until after try outs, but i accidentally let it slip to ronald

chicken 🍗
im not very good at keeping secrets
sorry ser

chosen two 😎
its fine, everyone was going to find out eventually

quidditch bitch 🧹
well, congrats, love

chosen one ⚡️
we should throw a mf party

chosen two 😎
well not tonight, try outs are soon and i need as much rest as possible

one direction 😍
well at least youve got ur own room now, miss slytherin prefect

eiffel 🥲
wow, ser, youre really doing great this year

chosen two 😎
thanks, freddie, i try lol

tower 🧋
congrats bestie
so sad we're not there to see u beat ollies ass again

quidditch bitch 🧹
okay fuck u

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