thirty seven

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*10 years later*

"come on, draco, youre going to be late!" serenity shouted at her son.

"im coming, mum!" draco yelled. draco grabbed his suitcase, as he ran down the steps to the front door, seeing his parents.

"you ready?" oliver asked his son.

"of course,  i am." draco smiled. oliver grabbed dracos bag and put them into their car. serenity sat in the passengers seat, as draco sat in the back. oliver hopped in the drivers seat, starting the car.

"mum, what house do you think ill be sorted into?" draco asked.

"well, i reckon youre a slytherin, dont you, darling?" oliver asked, turning towards his wife.

"we'll have to see." she smiled grabbing onto olivers free hand.


"ready to go through?" sofia asked her daughters. her daughters, lily and luna, nodded.

"third year at hogwarts, must be exciting." harry smiled at luna.

"alright, lets go through now." sofia smiled, grabbing onto lilys cart, as harry grabbed onto luna. the four ran through the platform, reaching the other side of the station.

lily looked around in awe.

"cool, right?" her sister asked. "think youll be sorted into hufflepuff like me and mum?"

lily shrugged her shoulders.

"lily!" a voice yelled, she turned around to see blaise, hermione and ginny's son.

"hi, blaise, excited for first year?" lily asked her cousin.

"of course i am, my mums told me they think ill be put into ravenclaw!" blaise exclaimed. hermione and ginny then came up behind blaise.

"hi, lily, nice to see you again." hermione smiled.

"hello, aunties, its nice seeing you too!" lily smiled back.

"you should really come round for this holiday." ginny suggested.

"im sure mum and dad will be fine with it." lily said.

"lily, come on now! you dont wanna be late." harry yelled. blaise and lily ran towards the train.

"sweetie, youre going to be just fine here." olivia said to her son, percy.

"what about me, mum?" her daughter, ophelia asked. ron smirked at his daughter.

"oh, dont be so dramatic, its your fourth year." ron smiled.

"you know, in my fourth year, i almost died." harry told ophelia.

"dont try scaring her now, youre scaring draco, too." serenity said to her brother.

"you all have a great year, alright?" hermione told all the children.

"we will!" they all yelled. everyone hugged their children goodbye.

"make sure to write." oliver said to draco, hugging him.

"i will, dad." he smiled. "come on, lily and blaise!"

lily, blaise, and draco all walked into the train with each other, sitting in the same compartment.

"they grow up so fast." ginny smiled, holding her wifes hand.

"they do." ron smiled.

"anyone fancy a dinner?" harry asked.

"only if its on you." sofia joked.

"your expenses are my expenses, remember?" harry asked. sofia rolled her eyes.

"come on, im really hungry." ron said.

"when are you not?" his wife asked.

"no ronald slander!" oliver joked, as they all laughed.

"alright, alright, lets go before every restaurant in town is booked!" serenity said grabbing her husbands hand, as them and their friends all walked out, down to hogsmeade, to the three broomsticks.

the end lmfao

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