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'chosen one ⚡️' has changed the group name to 'whorecrux time 💯😎'

whorecrux time 💯😎

quidditch bitch 🧹

eiffel 🥲
well shit

tower 🧋

chosen one ⚡️
we've gotta find the horcruxes now lol
since the damn wedding was crashed
we cant have nuffin 😔✋💔

quidditch bitch 🧹
explain mf-

cool weasley 🤍
well, mione, ser, harry, ron, liv and i were going to split up and search for the horcruxes

quidditch bitch 🧹
and what ab me ??????

chosen two 😎
its too dangerous

quidditch bitch 🧹
idc what u say anymore im going w u

chosen one ⚡️
come on ser just let him come

chosen two 😎
fine, but if he gets hurt, harry

quidditch bitch 🧹
darling, ill be find
im just worried ab u

cool weasley 🤍
gross couples

chosen one ⚡️

chicken 🍗
well, harry, liv, sof, and i are going and mione can go w u two

one direction 😍
sounds like a plan to me
just everyone be careful okay?

cool weasley 🤍
ill kill a bitch if i need to 💯

quidditch bitch 🧹

one direction 😍
right but where tf we supposed to find em

cool weasley 🤍
guess we just gon randomly search 😁👍

chosen two 😎
i love my life


whorecrux time 💯😎

chosen two 😎
so draco aint all that bad 💯

chosen one ⚡️

quidditch bitch 🧹
he got the horcrux for us from his father

cool weasley 🤍

chosen two 😎
well, we were walking and walking and we came across malfoy manor, and we passed miss bella and mr moldy voldy, and we overheard them talkin ab how narcissa had a whorecrux so we snuck around the big ass mansion but mr dracula caught us but he was like "nah bruh lemme help 💯" so draco somehow got the necklace (idk how he did but i aint feel like asking him) so then he gave it to us and he may or may not be w us now

chosen one ⚡️
i aint reading that but i saw the name draco and i dont want any part of it 🤣👨‍🦯

eiffel 🥲
you brought him w u?

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