'chosen one ⚡️' has changed the group name to 'horny mf's 😫'
horny mf's 😫
chosen one ⚡️
moaneiffel 🥲
okaytower 🧋
jailquidditch bitch 🧹
hows the shop going, u twotower 🧋
pretty goodeiffel 🥲
business be boomin 🤣chosen two 😎
yeah we visited earlier 🤣quidditch bitch 🧹
without me
damn 😔😢chosen one ⚡️
we literally asked u earlierquidditch bitch 🧹
no one asked uchicken 🍗
bruh tell them ab dracoeiffel 🥲
shit what happenedchosen one ⚡️
he's a death eater nowchicken 🍗
well we dont know for surecool weasley 🤍
i mean i wouldn't be surprised if he waschosen one ⚡️
we've also got a new potions teacherchosen two 😎
oh yeah, double d's introduced us to him earliertower 🥲
then what is snape gonna teach ??one direction 😍
probably dadacool weasley 🤍
daddychicken 🍗
pls stfu 🤣🤣🤣eiffel 🥲
hasnt he always wanted to be the dada teacherone direction 😍
yeah, umbridge teased him ab it last year lolcool weasley 🤍
tease mechosen one ⚡️
so scaredchosen two 😎
anyways i agree with harry, i think draco's a deatheater tooone direction 😍
well we dont really knowchosen one ⚡️
yeah but u saw what was happening
it looked like some sort of initiationcool weasley 🤍
i mean, he is in a family of death eaters so..one direction 😍
blessed to be a mudblood 😫🙏quidditch bitch 🧹
isnt voldy a half blood 🧍eiffel 🥲
okaytower 🧋
nah, cause he right 💯chosen one ⚡️
self hate voldy says 😔✋