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"what are you talking about yoongi, this is a joke right?" hoseok said while moving off the boy who was laying down. his mind swirled with thoughts. he's in the fucking mafia.

"it's not a joke hoseok, rose noire. i'm the right hand man. the leader is my best friend and the person who i stayed with in the time of our break. namjoon, seokjin's boyfriend, he's the leader. if anything happens to him i take over. i wish i would've told you sooner but i couldn't."

"how long?" hoseok asked while completely moving away from yoongi. yoongi sat up, letting the cover fall exposing his tattooed chest. he reached for hoseok's hand but that was snatched out his grip by an angry hoseok.

"how long yoongi?" hoseok said sternly. he wasn't just angry, he was furious. yoongi knew exactly why he hates gangs and mafias and anything associated with them. after what they did to his mother and father he couldn't bear being with someone who voluntarily hurt people.

"i don't know, maybe since high school. look i'm so sorry for not telling y-" yoongi was cut off by hoseok jumping out the bed. he didn't say anything but he just started grabbing random clothes and throwing them on. all he saw was red, the pain and lies everything was because of a goddamn mafia.

today was their 6th year anniversary and now quite possibly may turn into their last. it hurt hoseok mentally and physically to get up and leave. yoongi jumped out of the bed and pulled on a pair of shorts. he grabbed hoseok's arm when he reached for his keys. this was not happening again. he didn't want it to happen again.

"hobi stop, listen to me please." yoongi said while softly pushing hoseok back into the bed. hoseok yanked his arm out of yoongi's hold and got up again with his keys in his hand. he didn't say a word to yoongi as he walked out of the house. hoseok got into his car and drove off immediately.

he wasn't having it, he was not going to live in the same house with someone in the mafia. he drove down the empty streets and pulled into seokjin's apartment complex parking-lot. he got out the car, ignoring the stabbing pain he felt in his back side and walked up the steps. he knocked on the door and waited a minute before the door swung open.

seokjin stood tired and confused before stepping to the side to let hoseok in. he looked at the clock that flashed 2:12. what is he doing here? he questioned to himself. jimin walked out of seokjins room while rubbing his eyes. he too, was awoken by the loud banging on the front door. he was also just as confused as seokjin when he saw hoseok walk into the living room with no words spoken.

jimin made his way over to the standing male who's eyes were red from crying. he softly grabbed hoseok's shoulder and turned him towards himself. seokjin walked over as well still confused about everything.

"hobi? what's wrong, shouldn't you be with yoongi right now?" seokjin asked while walking over towards the two. hoseok scoffed hearing the males name. this just further confused the two, did something bad happen?

"what's wrong hobi, can you tell us what happened at least?" jimin said while looking at the older. hoseok sighed and sat down wincing a bit. seokjin and jimin both took a seat next to hoseok as he got ready to speak.

"yoongi's in the mafia, with seokjin's boyfriend. all these years we've been together and he's just telling me." hoseok said feeling his eyes water up a bit. jimin and seokjin looked at each other with a knowing look. they both seen this coming so they just sighed and pulled the boy into a group hug.

"we know, i understa-" jimin started but was cut off by hoseok who flung back and looked at the two with shock and betrayal.

"what do you mean you knew. the both of you knew? for how long?" he asked eyeing them both. seokjin nodded his head while jimin nervously chewed on his bottom lip.

"i just recently found out when i went to go stay with namjoon." seokjin says calmly, hoseok scoffed and looked at jimin. jimin looked down and mumbled something.

"speak up, i can't hear you." hoseok said raising his voice a bit. it was like anger was oozing out of his skin. first his boyfriend lied and kept secrets now his two closest friends are keeping secrets as well. when will this never ending pool of betrayal stop?

"i've known about it since i was 17. look hobi i'm sorry for not telling you but you have to understand, it was not my place to tell." jimin said quickly while holding his hands up in a defensive manner. hoseok looked at jimin with an exasperated look on his face. he couldn't believe his ears.

he knew the two knew each other back in high school and that they were friends but he didn't know this. they held this from him, it wouldn't surprise him if they kept other secrets from him as well. what kind of friends and boyfriend were they.

"hobi, look please don't get mad at me. i wanted to tell you and i pushed yoongi to tell you on multiple occasions. from the way you're acting now i understand why he didn't tell you. you left him and i doubt you even let him explain his side of the st-"

hoseok gave jimin a look that shut him up quickly. seokjin sat quietly while watching the two. the anger that was in hoseok's eyes scared the two. the two boys decided it would be best to just leave him be for right now. to let him calm down on his own.

"look, you obviously need to calm your nerves. i have your extra clothes here, you can change take a shower or whatever. we're going to go back to bed. the guest room is open." seokjin said while standing. seokjin reached for jimin's hand and the two left hoseok by himself in the living room.

he sat quietly for about 10 minutes, ignoring the buzzing phone in his pocket. he finally decided it was time to get up and go take a shower. he walked into the empty guest room and grabbed the clothes that sat in the bed waiting for him...

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