Chapter 4

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The Next Morning~

Kali and the twins were at the table eating their Xmas themed breakfast their mom had made for them. She even made special Xmas treats for the dogs. 

"Mmm, thanks Mom" Ann said, seeing how delicious the Xmas tree shaped pancakes looked. 

"You're the best!" Brock added before digging in. 

"It's what I do" Jane smiled proudly before heading back to the kitchen where Tchaikovsky and his family were at. 

While the St. Bernard family ate their breakfast, they couldn't help but watch in amusement at the matriarch of the Harpercop family with her headphones on singing along to "All I want for Christmas is You"

"Boy, I haven't seen anything this funny since the time Grandpa George burnt the Thanksgiving turkey" Mo whispered to his siblings, making them giggle. 

Chubby chewed up his breakfast, muffling to his siblings. "I still can't believe Kali actually knows Santa Paws"

"Chubby, don't talk with your mouth full" Missy reminded, like any mother dog would. 

"Oh, Mom" Chubby muffled with an eye roll, sick of being treated like a puppy. 

"Still..." Dolly spoke between bites. "That is pretty cool"

"Yeah," Tchaikovsky added. "Makes me wonder what other adventures she hasn't told me about yet" 

"You and me both, son" Beethoven said to his oldest pup. 

Walter, having overheard the dogs soon spoke. "Just wait until you guys hear about the Elf Pets and how Santa enlists the help of St. Bernards to ensure Christmas cheer. They're called the Watch Dogs of Christmas" 

"Legend says they're as old as Christmas itself" Walter smiled to the pups who were now in complete awestruck. 

"No way!" Dolly said. 

"Awesome!" Mo added. 

"Now you gotta tell us all about that!" Chubby said to Walter. 

The grown man chuckled, simply telling the pups. "One story at a time"

Just then, Kali entered the kitchen with her backpack over her shoulder and gave Tchaik a quick scracth on the head. 

"Well, I'm off. The school's rehearsing for the Christmas pageant and I really hope things go well, especially for the Recess gang" She said, mentioning her friends.

"Bye!" Kali waved to the dogs as she soon headed out the door with the twins.

After they left, Tchaikovsky turned to his siblings, asking them. "Hey, you guys want to come to the park with me to meet the Buddies?"

"All right! Yeah, let's go!" Mo, Dolly, and Chubby eagerly joined their brother, heading straight for the dog door. 

"Be careful now, pups" Missy reminded her children. 

"And remember to stick together" Beethoven told them. 

"We will" The pups told their parents before heading out the dog door. 

Jane then went to put a plate of cookies and dog biscuits by the fireplace as the family planned on leaving them out for Santa Claus and Santa Paws. Beethoven however tried to sneak all the cookies and biscuits. But Jane caught him.

"Not you too" She smirked to the St. Bernard. 

Missy chuckled, coming up to her mate as she said to him in a playfully teasing tone. "You're just as bad as the pups" 

Beethoven meets the Santa BuddiesWhere stories live. Discover now