Chapter 8

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After traveling for only a single chapter, the gang finally made it to their destination as they started seeing Santa's village come into view. 

"There it is, guys! The North Pole!" Puppy Paws beamed. 

"We made it!" Ann breathed in relief. 

"But where are we suppose to land?" Mo asked. 

"We can land right by the workshop" David pointed out. 

"Okay guys, take us down" Kali told Beethoven and the pups. 

"Gently! Gently!" Cynthia reminded in a bit of a panicky voice. 

"Yes, any change in our current flight pattern could lead to radical consequences" Teeders added. 

"Yo, don't worry, dawgs" B-Dawg assured. "You're in good paws with the B-Dawg"

Suddenly the sleigh started spinning out of control with everyone screaming as they came tumbling towards the ground. 

"Please stop the spiniiiiiiiiiinnng!!!" Brock cried. 

The gang crashed into a pile of snow right in front of the workshop. Everyone groaned, though thankfully no one had any injuries. 

B-Dawg chuckled sheepishly. "I guess I overshot the landing a little"

"Ya think?" Everyone else gave the bling-rapping Buddy that look. 

Tchaikovsky and his siblings shook the snow out of their fur before looking up to see Santa's workshop. 

"Whoa..." Chubby, Dolly and Mo all awed. 

"Unbelievable..." Beethoven whispered. 

Tchaikovsky smiled. "I can't believe we're really here" 

The Akids and dogs rushed inside to the workshop. Puppy Paws came in, quickly spotting his dad sitting in his chair observing everyone at work. 

"Dad!" Puppy Paws ran over to his father. 

"Son!" Santa Paws smiled, nuzzling his oldest pup. 

Noble and his sisters came in the room once they heard Puppy Paws' voice and ran to him. "Puppy Paws!" 

"We missed you!" Jingle said while the Santa Pups embraced their brother. 

"Awwww" The St. Bernards smiled, watching the Paws family reunite. 

"Nothing says Christmas like being together with your family" Beethoven told his pups. 

"You said it Dad" Tchaik smiled up at his father. 

Puppy Paws soon frowned to his father, telling him. "I'm so sorry for not believing. I just didn't understand how important Christmas was"

"And I'm sorry I was so hard on you" Santa Paws apolgized to his oldest pup. "I should have trusted you would come to that realization yourself"

"Well, it took the help of a few friends" Puppy Paws smiled. 

Just then, the Buddies enetered along with the Akids. 

"Nice to see you again, Santa Paws" Kali greeted. 

"As to you, Adventure Kids" Santa Paws smiled at his old friends, then looked to see the Buddies. "Good to see you Buddies"

Tchaik and his siblings slowly walked up to Santa Paws, being a bit shy and surprised to be meeting the legendary dog. "H-Hi, Santa Paws, sir..."

"Ah, Tchaikovsky, Chubby, Dolly and Mo, so nice to finally meet you" Santa Paws smiled to the St. Bernard pups. "And I see your father's here too"

Beethoven meets the Santa BuddiesWhere stories live. Discover now