Chapter 9

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It was a big night for the pups and Akids, as all over the world people were going to sleep, awaiting for their arrival. 

When they came to their first stop, Puppy Paws got out of the sleigh with a bag full of presents and headed to the chimney. 

"Okay, Dad said the magic will make my paws stick to the side of the chimney" Puppy Paws said before heading down, calling out to the gang. "Wish me luck!"

"Good luck!" The Akids called back to the Santa Pup. 

"You got this Puppy Paws!" Tchaik, his siblings, and Beethoven encouraged. 

Puppy Paws left some presents under the tree before heading back up the chimeny and took off with the gang again, heading to the next house. 

The Akids got a little bit of help during the delivery run from some of their friends around the world. They visited the rest of Lucky, Rolly, and Cadpig's family in London. And got to see Cynthia's good friends Ladybug and Cat Noir while in Paris. 

They even made a stop where the Newtons were spending Christmas while the St. Bernards helped Puppy Paws put out the presents. Beethoven gave his owners some big slobbery kisses while they were asleep in bed so that when they woke up Christmas morning they'd know that he had been here. 

The gang eventually arrived back in Fernfield, landing on top of the roof of a small brown house. 

"Come on, guys. I need all your help on this one" Puppy Paws told his friends. 

"We'll wait for you guys here" Ann said. 

One by one, the Buddies, Tchaik and his siblings followed Puppy Paws down the chimney. Beethoven got stuck of course, but only for a moment when the Akids helped give the St. Bernard a little push. 

The dogs soon came into the living room as it was revealed to be very quiet. That is until they heard a familiar voice. 

"Puppy Paws? Buddies? Guys, is that you?" Tiny asked. 

"Tiny?" Everyone was in surprise seeing the Yorkie.

"Yeah, it's us, Tiny" Puppy Paws replied. 

"What are you doing here?" Tchaik, Chubby, Dolly, and Mo all asked her. 

"My Christmas wish came true. Mr. Cruge brought me to Mikey, my boy" Tiny told them, looking back to the small boy who was asleep on the couch. 

"I'm so happy for you, Tiny" Puppy Paws smiled. 

"We all are" Beethoven added. 

"This is the greatest Christmas ever" Tiny said. 

"Well, there's no reason why we can't make it more special" Puppy Paws replied. 

The Santa Pup then used the magic from his crystal, making a beautiful Christmas tree appear and a bountiful dinner placed on the dinning table. 

"Wow! Thank you, Puppy Paws" Tiny smiled. 

"No, Tiny, thank you" Puppy Paws told the Yorkie. "You taught us all how important it is to believe in the Christmas spirit"

"That's right" Tchaikovsky agreed. "None of this would have been possible if it wasn't for you"

"Merry Christmas, Tiny" Beethoven said as the dogs soon left. 

Tiny smiled before singing. "I got my Christmas miracle. My Christmas miracle, this year~"

Back at the North Pole~

Santa Claus and Santa Paws were checking on the Christmas icicle, seeing that it was fully restored now and shining brighter then ever.

"The icicle is back to full strength" Santa Paws said. 

"They've done it, Paws!" Santa Claus beamed to his dog. "They've saved Christmas!"

"Let's round up the reindeer and go get Puppy Paws" Santa Paws told his master. 

Beethoven meets the Santa BuddiesWhere stories live. Discover now