Chapter 6

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That evening, Tchaikovsky and his siblings finally came home to their anxious waiting parents and the Harpercops. 

"There you are" Jane smiled, being the first to see them come in while the twins petted the pups. 

"We've been worried sick!" Missy frowned, coming over to nuzzle her puppies. 

"Where in the world have you pups been?" Beethoven asked them. 

"It's kind of a long story, Dad" Tchaikovsky replied. 

The pups then proceeded to tell their parents and Harpercops how they met Puppy Paws with the Buddies. 

"Wait..." Ann had the pups pause for a moment, processing everything. "You mean you saw Puppy Paws?"

Brock was in the same surprise state. "You mean you actually saw Santa Paws' son here in Fernfield?!" 

"Yes" Dolly nodded before frowning. "But now he's missing"

"And we've looked everywhere" Mo added. 

"Yeah, we're pretty beat" Chubby collapsed to the floor. 

"You guys had a bad day too huh?" Kali frowned to the pups, before revealing her day didn't go so well either at the rehearsal. The whole time Mikey was trying to prove to the Recess gang Santa's existence until he sadly gave up in his belief. He even ripped up his letter to Santa, having it blow away in the wind. 

Tchaik frowned, feeling sorry for his owner and her friend. "Ooh, that's rough" 

"It's as we feared..." Walter soon sighed. 

"Huh?" The St. Bernard family turned to the man, confused. 

Kali came up to her father's side, before looking gravely to the dogs. "Christmas is in danger you guys..."

She then showed the dogs her crystal, telling them how hers and the magic crystals at the North Pole were all somehow connected. I guess that was because back when the Akids first met Santa in the past Kali gave him a piece of her crystal, which had since evolved over the centuries into it's own special kind of Christmas magic. That's how she sensed something was wrong with the Christmas icicle. 

"You see, the magic is stored all year round in the great Christmas icicle" Jane explained to the dogs. 

"And is released at Christmas" Walter told them. 

"And if people don't believe in Christmas, there isn't enough magic for the elves to make all the toys" Ann said. 

"Or even for the reindeer to fly the sleigh" Brock added. 

"Whoa..." The St. Bernards said, just standing there in total shock. 

"This has got to be real bad if it's that serious" Beethoven said. 

Kali nodded to him, saying. "We have a real crisis on our hands here"

The pups frowned, now being worried for Christmas and more importantly, Puppy Paws. 

"Oh, what are we going to do?" Missy frowned. 

"We need a miracle, that's for sure..." Jane said. 

The Harpercop family and St. Bernards all frowned, looking towards the Christmas tree.

"In this world it used to be that neighbor would help neighbor in time of need~" 

"Whatever happened to good will? Have we all been consumed by greed? Could it be we've lost our way and think that all these things will bring us peace? Tell me please can anything bring back the spirit of Christmas that used to be.... In this world~" 

"Who will look out for all the poor and needy, who can't afford a loaf of bread? Who can't afford the luxury of being greedy without a roof over their head?~" 

"Peace on earth, peace on earth. Peace on earth, peace on earth~" 

"Could it be we've lost our way and think that all these things will bring us peace? Tell me please can anything bring back the spirit of Christmas that used to be?.... In this world~"

Meanwhile at the North Pole~

The Santa Pups entered the workshop to find the elves attempting to fix the mail truck. 

"How's it going guys?" Charity checked on their progress. 

"Any luck in boosting the power?" Hope asked. 

"Well, the boys have modified the E.L.F. compressor with the magicometer. And got a little more power with the spiriters" Eli told them, with Eddy at his side. 

Jingle examined the truck before coming to the back and soon noticed something. 

"What's this?" She wondered. 

Eli and the rest of the Santa Pups came back to see what Jingle had found and soon gasped. 

Eli, Eddy, and the Santa Pups soon came to Santa and Paws with big smiles on their faces. 

"We have great news!" Eddy said. 

"I think we know where Puppy Paws is" Eli showed them the piece of paper from the naughty book. "Fernfield, Washington. In search of a pup named Budderball. You know how he was saying he wanted to be an ordinary pup?" 

But Santa nor Paws responded. Mrs. Claus stood at her husband's side, appearing agitated. 

"Santa Claus? Santa Paws?" Eddy looked to the two legendary figures in confusion. 

"Dad, are you okay?" Noble asked his father, growing worried along with his sisters. 

"Please, bring back Puppy Paws as fast as you can" Santa Paws soon spoke, revealing to be extremely weak. 

Santa Claus appeared in the same manner as his dog, saying. "Without him I'm afraid Christmas may be gone forever..." 

Eli and the Santa Pups gasped over this. 

"Yes sir! We'll be back quicker than you can say "Candy Cane Lane" Eddy promised, before rushing off to the mail truck with Eli. 

"Please hurry" Mrs. Claus said while the Santa pups frowned in worry to their dad, coming up to nuzzle him. 

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