Chapter 7

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The next morning, the Harpercops woke up not really feeling in the holiday mood which was caused for concern.

The twins were in the kitchen helping their mom prep breakfast by pouring kibble into the dogs' bowls. But as the pups came in, they ran straight past their full bowls and to the dog door. 

"You guys aren't hungry?" Jane asked them. 

"That's a first" Walter smirked, coming up next to his wife. 

"There's no time to eat!" Tchaikovsky explained, looking the most serious he's ever been in his life. "It's two days till Christmas and we've gotta find Puppy Paws!"

"That's our boy!" Brock smiled like a proud older brother. 

"You go pups!" Ann encouraged them. 

Kali soon came into the kitchen. "I'll see what I can do here" She said, looking down at her crystal. 

She then sighed, telling the dogs. "I'll try and meet up with you guys later but... I'm not sure I'll make it"

Kali mentioned that the Christmas pageant was tonight while the Recess gang were still pretty much in the dumps. And no one knew where Mikey was at or if he'd be preforming at all. 

The pups were about to head out the door when Beethoven and Missy came to them. 

"You're not going out there..." Beethoven started. 

"What?!" Tchaikovsky, Dolly, Chubby and Mo's eyes all widended. 

"But Dad!" Tchaik was about to argue. 

"Without me" Beethoven then finished. 

"Wait, what?" Chubby and Mo appeared confused. 

"I'm coming with you guys" Beethoven told his pups. "You're gonna need the help"

The pups wagged their tails and smiled to their dad, glad that he would be joining them. 

"Oh, please be careful" Missy worried for her mate and puppies as they headed out the dog door. The female St. Bernard decided she would stay here and help the Harpercops.

Beethoven and his pups soon made it to the meeting spot in the park. Not before long, the Buddies arrived, meeting up with the St. Bernards. 

"Hey, guys" Tchaik greeted his friends. "Hope you don't mind. Our Dad came to help"

The Buddies didn't mind at all as they greeted the big old St. Bernard. "Hi, Beethoven"

"Hi, Buddies. Good to see you" Beethoven smiled to the golden retriever pups. 

However there was one Buddy missing... again. 

"Where's Budderball?" Dolly wondered. 

"That dawg ain't ever on time" B-Dawg said. 

"Aw, come on guys. Give your brother a break" Beethoven told the Buddies. 

"But he does this to us almost every time" Wonder mentioned. 

"Being fashionably late is one thing, but this is way out of style" Rosebud added. 

Tchaik and his siblings soon spotted Budderball coming. But he had someone else with him. 

"Look over there" Chubby pointed spefically to the dog with Budderball. He was dressed in a familiar looking attire. 

Wonder had to shake her head, doing a double take as she said to her siblings. "Guys, are you seeing this?"

"Dudes, am I hallucinating or is Budderball running with an elf?" Mudbud asked. 

"It's an elf, all right" Rosebud replied. 

Beethoven meets the Santa BuddiesWhere stories live. Discover now