Kick-Off Party part 1

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YES! After watching TrollsTopia many times for three days straight, I decided to make another chapter, and it's gonna be based on the original TrollsTopia series, but I inserted Aggie here and added some scenes. TrollsTopia is one of the BEST series of 2020, and after waiting for 7 months, it completed my life and made my year, relieving me from stress caused by COVID-19, College and a betraying friend.

Enjoy this first part of the story


One day, Poppy held a bunch of invitations while strolling with Biggie and Mr. Dinkles on his shoulder, Guy Diamond and Aggie.

"Wow, guys. Thanks so much for helping me make these invitations for my TrollsTopia kick-off party," Poppy thanked her friends excitingly for her party.

"Our pleasure, Poppy. Mr. Dinkles has been dying for a chance to show off his calligraphy skills," Biggie replied.


Mr. Dinkles dipped his head on black ink, and rubbed it all over a blank invitation, creating gothic words, much to the Trolls' amazement.

*End of Flashback*

Poppy exclaimed happily, "They're perfect! Which is good, 'cause this party will set the tone for every party in TrollsTopia from here on out. So it is, without a doubt, the most important party ever thrown."

Then, Tiny Diamond came out from Guy Diamond's hair, holding party horns, "High stakes party, people. Whoo!" He played the party horns for a second before submerging back into his father's hair.

"Aww, Tiny Diamond," Guy Diamond chuckled, "Kids air horn the darndest things."

Tiny sticks his arm out with a horn and plays with it before pulling his arm back.

Then, Aggie stared blankly as she foresaw a vision. There were two bright cosmic objects appearing from the sky, and they collided with each other, forming a bright explosion and creating multiple fireworks in the dark starry night sky.

After the vision, Aggie blinked and smiled excitingly as she turned to Poppy, "I think your party is gonna be a blast!"

"Of course it will! Why do you think it wouldn't?" Poppy then gasped and guessed, "Do you have a vision of it?"

"Well, yeah, but I don't want to spoil everything," said Aggie.

"Come on, Aggie, please tell us a little detail," Biggie pleaded as he, Guy and Poppy leaned closer to Aggie to hear about her vision.

She sighed in defeat, "Okay. I saw two bright comets fly across the sky, or were they meteors? I don't know, my vision wasn't very clear. But these two objects collide together, making a huge explosion and creating fireworks all over the sky!"

"WOOOOW!" Poppy, Biggie and Guy wooed.

"That's gonna be a perfect thing for my party, Aggie. I hope your vision will come true! Now to just deliver these invitations and then..." Before she finished, Poppy noticed a poster on a mushroom stem, "Hey, wait, what's that?"

"'Val's Kick-Off Party. Misty Meadows. Tomorrow night'?" Biggie read the poster, and gasped, "Poppy, Val's having a party on the same night as your party!"

"Hm. We better go talk to Val. At Rock Hollow," Poppy suggested.


When the four went to Rock Hollow, they entered Val's home place, and looked around where they seemed to be amused by the looks of the place.


The place was Rock-music themed, with lots of speakers, Rock Trolls playing and smashing their guitars, and doing their hobbies.

Val was sitting on her couch, throwing red cupcakes on the wall, creating a skull figure.

"Hey, Val, bring it in!" Poppy ran towards Val and opened her arms to hug her. But Val gave her an icy cold stare, making Poppy cringed backwards, "'Kay, too much. Course-correcting. There. Anyway, I was curious, are you really throwing a kick-off party tomorrow night?"

Val ate a cupcake and replied, "Yeah."

"Well, I just came here to let you know..." Poppy paused for a while, before saying her opinion, "I think that's a great idea!"

"Okay," Val arched a brow.

"Nothing's more in the spirit of TrollsTopia than another Tribe taking initiative to bring us together, right?" Poppy took out her invitations from her hair, "I was gonna throw a kick-off party, but I'll happily toss my invitations away." She threw them into a trash can behind her, which fire burst out, burning all of the invitations, "Who cares, right?"

But Mr. Dinkles silently shed a tear that his hard work of calligraphy were destroyed and wasted.

"So I'm dying to know what kind of party you're throwing. Can you give us just a little hint about your plans? The Queen of Pop asked.
"Nah. I can't tell you my plans 'cause Rocker Trolls don't plan parties," Val smirked.

Biggie, Guy and Aggie gasped.

Poppy was shocked as well, "You... you don't party-plan?"

"Nah, we just go with the flow." the Rock ambassador slouched on her couch.

"But, back in Harmonious Land, Magic Rocker Trolls plan parties, that's why we like making hard parties so much!" Aggie explained.

"Maybe you Magic Rock Trolls plan parties, but regular Rock Trolls don't," Val pointed.

"Val, a successful party means properly executing so many details. You've gotta think this through." Poppy suggested.

"I've gotta? Are you gonna tell me how to throw my party?" Val then stood up from her couch.

"What? No. No, no. I just... I..." Poppy stammered, trying to explain clearly.

But then, Val was close to Poppy's face, "'Cause that wouldn't be in the spirit of TrollsTopia, would it?" Then she leaned closer, "Or wouldn't it?" She leaned a little closer, "Or would it?" She leaned a little more closer again with an icy glare, "Or wouldn't it?"

"No! You're right, Val. It's your party. You should do it your way," Poppy grinned nervously

Val narrowed her eyes for a while before backing herself away from Poppy's face and smiled, "Cool."

"Yep. Coo-cool!" Poppy chuckled nervously as Val grabbed a cupcake, and walked away, "We'll just go with the flow." When Val was gone, Poppy turned to Biggie, Guy and Aggie with a serious face, "We cannot go with the flow!"

The three trolls saluted and said in unison, "Right! What do we do?"

Poppy turned away, but kept speaking, "We need help. Go round up the most party-loving Trolls we know."

"Got it!" Biggie, Guy and Aggie rushed away.

But Biggie returned and asked Poppy, "Actually, you'll have to be way more specific."


So, as for this episode, I decided to split it into three, just to be fair with my previous episodes, and I have more stories to make. I have to manage my time with my other work. I decided to skip the 1st episode and the 1st segment of the 2nd episode because my version of Trollstopia began AFTER the events of the 1st episode and the 1st segment of the 2nd episode.

I hope you like this episode. Please comment.

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