Kick-Off Party part 3

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At Val's party at night, Poppy was right though. The part is boring. There are Trolls attending, but didn't do anything but sitting down, drinking refreshments, and yawning.

"Well, unfortunately, I was right about Val's party. But this is what happens when you 'go with the flow.'" Poppy spoke to Biggie

"But it will liven up because in just minutes, all of our 'spontaneous' wonder will begin," Biggie added.

"Huh. This party's kind of a dud," Val observed her own party is boring, "What's the deal?"

"Gee, I don't know. You think it could be 'cause you didn't plan anything?" Poppy pointed

"Hm..." Val had time to think if Poppy was right, but she has other thoughts, "Nah. It's the location." Then she announced to the whole party, "Yo! Let's move the party to the Lagoon!"

"YEAH!" The trolls cheered

Poppy exclaimed in shock. She didn't expect this to happen, "What?!"

"Lagoon! Lagoon! Lagoon! Lagoon!" The Trolls chanted as they marched to the direction of the lagoon.

"Biggie, everything's set up to happen here in the meadow," Poppy reminded

"But the lagoon is not the meadow! The meadow is the meadow!" Biggie screamed in panic.

"Ah! We've gotta start the fun before they go!" Poppy called for Guy Diamond, "Guy! Now!"

But Guy was distracted for practicing his part as he tried to play as a robot with a robotic voice, "Oh no, my ice cream truck has broken down. Bleep bloop. Or maybe it's..." He then changed into his muscular costume with a deep heroic voice, "My ice cream truck has broken down!" He snapped to his senses, and thought it was a wrong idea "Ah! No!"

"He's not hearing me." Poppy pulled her hair both ways, then turned to Branch, "Branch, meteors!"

Branch is busy with his own problems as he read a book about astronomy while writing calculations about meteors with one hand and foot, "Still working on it."

"Oh boy! Aggie, music!" Poppy then cued Aggie.

Aggie was also busy, digging up a bag of CDs for music, "But what about my vision!"

"Forget the vision! The Trolls are gonna miss the party we planned! Play the music!" Poppy waved her hands like a bird.

"Uh! I'm trying to find the perfect music!" Aggie still dug up for CDs as she threw some unimportant ones away.

"Ah! We've gotta stall them!" Poppy said as she and Biggie ran off.

Before the Trolls left the meadow, Poppy ran in front of them to stop them, "Wait, you can't leave now!"

"We can't? Why not?" Val crossed her arms

"Because! Because I..." Poppy tried to think of an excuse to stall them without telling Val about the party, or Aggie's vision will come true, "I have to... sing you a song!"

"A song?" the Rock ambassador raised a brow.

"Yeah. A song about... " The Queen of Pop tried to find something to sing about. Then, he found a sampling tree, "This tree!" A leaf fell down from the branch, "And a one, and a two, and a..."

Poppy sang the song about the tree. With its bark and leaves, and its color

"Wait," Val then interrupted Poppy's song, causing her to stop, "Are you singing a song about a tree... to stall us?"

"No," Popp threw the leaf pom-poms away and grinned sheepishly.

"Good. To the Lagoon!" Val shouted as she led the way and the other Trolls chanted while following her.

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