chapter 6

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CHAPTER 6: 'the party'

"they're gonna love you, el. you don't need to worry." mike smiled reassuringly as he and el hurried into the house.

el wasn't expecting mike to suddenly invite her out for the night, let alone to meet his friends. so, as soon as they got back to the cottage, she sprinted up the stairs to get ready- she refused to look like a windswept mess in front of his friends.

after their second and more eventful day in london, in which mike convinced her to go makeup free, el wanted to make a bit more of an effort with her appearance this evening.

normally mike is a patient man, however, he cannot deal with being late. they weren't late yet, but if el took any longer to get ready they would be.

"el, come on!" mike yelled up the stairs, leaning one hand on the wall as he sighed. why do girls have to take so long?

"one minute!" she yelled back, her voice slightly muffled from the closed door.

"hurry up!" he groaned, fed up of waiting. besides, he still doesn't know why she wanted to change, she looked fine in what she was wearing. well...more than fine.

"alright, alright!"

a few minutes later, mike completely forgot why he was rushing. el had emerged at the top of the stairs and stared down at him, as he leant on the wall.

"i'm ready." she called, slowly descending the stairs, an anxious expression on her face.

mike pushed himself off the wall and trailed his gaze up to her. his brown orbs widened like a cartoon, eliciting a shy smile from her.

el didn't think she looked particularly pretty in what she was wearing: a pair of black jeans, black boots, a cropped grey sweatshirt and her short black puffy coat.

she was essentially wearing what she had on earlier but changed her oversized hoodie and her shoes. but mike wasn't focused on her clothes, he was fixed on her eyes, a captivating pool of honey which he frequently found himself drowning in.

el had let her golden curls run wild and had put on a tiny bit of mascara and blush to brighten up her pale face.

mike attempted to pull himself together by the time she had reached the bottom of the stairs, but as soon as he tried to speak, nothing but a squeak came out.

"alright there?"

the sound of her voice somehow snapped him out of whatever trance he was in and he was finally able to speak. mike's eyes were slowly dancing across her face, taking in her features as she stood before him, a smug smirk on her face.

"i thought i told you, you don't need makeup." mike sighed softly, bringing his thumb up to her cheek and gently trying to wipe it off.

el batted his hand away, "i know, i know. i just felt like wearing some, okay?"

"okay." he nodded, a smile creeping up his face. "you look good by the way."

el's cheeks turned pink and her breath got caught in her throat. thankfully, mike had turned to grab the house keys so he was unaware of the effect his compliment had on her.

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