Visiting Papa/ Rowena's Strange Visitor

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A gong was heard and the princesses jolt awake at the dinning room were they were having their breakfast.

“Good morning, ladies.” Rowena greeted.

“Good morning.” The princesses replied drowsily.

“Oh, wide awake, I see.”

“We're fine, thank you.” Genevieve said, and Hadley’s face dropped into her food.

“Someone was up way past their bedtime. Desmond, wake them up.”

Desmond grabbed a chair and slammed it down on the floor making the princesses gasp and jolt wide awake

“That’s better. Now what exactly were you doing last night?”

The Royal messenger entered the dinning room.

“A visitor for the duchess.”


“A Mr. Fabian is here.”

“Oh! Oh. Oh, yes. Yes, I was expecting him.” Rowena started walking out of the dinning room, but then she turned to the girls.

“I want answers when I return.” She left.

“She’s in a hurry.” [Y/n] said, Genevieve nodding in agreement.

“And the king requests his daughters visit him in his quarters.” The messenger said, making the girls stand up excitedly, going to their father’s room.

Genevieve opened the door to her father’s room, her sisters behind her.


“Well, look who's here. The wild bunch.” Randolph said, and the girls entered the room.

“Are you sick?” [Y/n] asked.

“No, just tired. I didn't feel... I didn't feel up to breakfast this morning.”

“Papa, you won't believe what happened last night.” Janessa said, as her and her other sisters ran to her father’s bed.

“Last night? Don’t remind me. We were supposed to celebrate your birthday and I fell asleep. Inexcusable. Is it too late to give you your presents?”

“No!” The triplets replied giggling.

Genevieve looked out the window to see Rowena talking to a strange man.

“[Y/n].” Said girl turn to her twin. “Can you come over here for a minute?”

[Y/n] walked over to her twin, who drew her closer.

“Look.” The twins watched as Rowena gave something to the man.

“Oooh, pretty.” The twins turn to see their dad give the triplets their birthday presents.

“Thank you, Papa.”

“Am I forgiven?”

“Yes, Papa.”

Genevieve and [Y/n] turn back to look outside the window, but both Rowena and the man had gone.

The twins exchanged a suspicious look.

Rowena stood in the throne room, running her hands on the throne greedily.

But then Brutus burst out behind her, making her gasp.

“What do you think you're doing?”
Brutus gave a pair of shoes to her.

“The princesses' dancing shoes? Worn through. The spoilt brats have been out dancing. Do you know what this means? Do you?”

Brutus shook his head.

“Princes! They're out dancing with princes. Do you know what that means?”

Brutus nodded his head, before shaking it again.

"No, you don’t. You’re still a monkey. Marriage is what it means. If princes fall for those pampered pretties, my plans are ruined.”

She hears singing in the distance.

“What's that? What are they up to?”

The girls all stood around their father’s bed, singing "Sacerdotes Domini" by William Byrddoor

The door opens interrupting the girls’ singing.

They all turned to see Rowena with a teacart, standing at the door.

“Come in, Rowena.” Randolph said to the woman at the door.

“Oh! So much commotion. I thought you were unwell.” Rowena said, rolling the teacart into the room.

“I am, but I love when they sing for me.” Randolph replied.

“Look how pale you are, dear cousin.” Rowena said solemnly, then turn to the girls.

“That's enough for now, girls. Out. Out, please. Please, out.”

“But, Papa...” Genevieve started.

“Rowena's right. I'm not feeling so well.”

The girls turned and started walking out.

“Some tea will help.” Rowena said, pouring the tea.

[Y/n] paused and turned back.

“Papa, maybe you should call the doctor.”

Rowena suddenly dropped the teaspoon.

“Good idea, [Y/n].”

The doctor stood beside Randolph, examining him, with Rowena standing behind them.

“Eyes cloudy, skin clammy.”

“I sound like a fish.” Randolph said jokingly.

“Sense of humor intact. Well, Your Highness, if you continue to rest and take this elixir, I believe you will recover shortly.”

“That's good news.” Randolph said.

“Allow me, Doctor. I'll take care of everything.” Rowena said taking the bottle of the elixir from the doctor.

“Twice daily should do the trick. Your Highness.” The doctor bowed and walked out of  the room.

“Now you rest, cousin.” Rowena said to Randolph, who nodded and laid back down to rest.

Rowena followed behind the doctor, and when she saw that he had gone far, she opened up the elixir bottle and poured the liquid out into a flower pot, smiling sinisterly.

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