It's Best If We Go

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“It's been a long day. We'll feel better if we say good night to Papa.” Genevieve said as her, [Y/n] and Lacey walked to their father’s room.

Rowena added some few drops of black substance into the tea she was holding.

“I just don't understand why I'm still sick.” Randolph said.

“Frankly, I'm not surprised, with the burdens you carry. 13 of them, if you know what I mean.” Rowena said, then handed the tea to Randolph.

“13 burdens.” The three girls listened in from outside the door.

“My daughters do worry me. I must admit, I lose sleep over them.”

Having heard enough, they turned back sadly, heading to their room.

Randolph took a sip of his tea.

“But they’re hardly burdens. They're the best part of my life.”

The other girls were in their room, tired from all the hard work they had done that day.

“Could this day get any worse?” Hadley asked.

“I ache all over.” Delia said.

The door opened and Genevieve, [Y/n] and Lacey stepped inside.

“Did you see Papa?” Ashlyn asked.

“Not exactly.” [Y/n] said.

Rowena burst into the room.

“Tired? Sore? Frustrated? Now maybe I can hear the truth.”

“We told you the truth.” Genevieve stated.

“That ridiculous story? What else? Flowers with diamonds on them?”

“Not all the flowers.” Janessa replied innocently.

“Now you're mocking me. Apparently you didn't learn your lesson. Tomorrow you'll clean the stables. As for tonight, I'm locking you in. Nobody's going dancing, I promise you that.”

“Papa would never lock us in.” Delia said angrily.

“Your father is sick. And who can blame him? Taking care of you with your wild ways. If you really want your father to get better, you'll leave him alone!”

She walked out of the room, locking the door with a key, behind her.

“I have failed you again, my grace. How may I redeem myself?” Desmond asked.

“We'll see, won't we? If anybody…… anybody sneaks in or out, alert me at once.”

Back in their room, the girls were down casted by what they just heard.

“I never realized Papa was so disappointed in us.” Courtney said.

“I heard him tell Rowena that we're burdens.” Lacey said, straightening her sleeping gown.

“He did?” Ashlyn asked surprised.

“That's terrible.” Blair said.

“Everything's so wrong here.” Fallon said sadly.

Twyla twirled, then came to stop on the stone tiles.

“Twyla has the right idea. There’s still one place we can go where we won't disappoint anybody.” Ashlyn said, making the girls perk up.

“We'll give Papa some time...”

“To get better.” Hadley and Isla said.

Ashlyn dropped her head in thought.
“Maybe it's best if we go.”

Morning came and Rowena arrived at the princesses' room door.

“Nobody came or left, my lady.” Desmond opened the door, letting Rowena in.

Rowena entered the girls’ room, gasping softly at what she saw, before shaking her head at her servant’s stupidity.

“Desmond, get in here.”

Desmond did so.

“Do you see any princesses?”

Desmond looked around to see that all the princesses’ beds were made, but there was no one in the entire room.

He gasped in surprise.

“Well, uh...”

“Neither do I!”

“But I never left the door.”

“Are you telling me they just vanished into thin air? Find them!”

Desmond looked around the room, scratching his head in confusion.

The doctor examined the sleeping King Randolph.

“The poor man. He's never been the same since his Isabella passed away.”

Rowena said sympathetically.

“Ah, yes. A broken heart. Well, I should've realized. In that case, medicine can't help him.” The doctor replied, putting the elixir back into his bag.

“Oh, that’s what I was afraid of.”

“Now, now. Don't give up hope, Your Grace. I'll check in tomorrow.”

“Yes, please do.”

It was evening now.

Ethan and Derek arrived at the castle, passing the doctor on his way out.

They walked to the front door, meeting the guard there.

“Hello, sir. May we see Princess Genevieve and Princess [Y/n]?" Derek asked politely.

“Haven't you heard? The princesses are missing.” The guard whispered to them.

“Missing?” Ethan asked surprised.

“This cannot be good.” Felix stated.

“I heard Duchess Rowena say they’ve run away.”

The guard was pulled back and Desmond appeared at the door.

“You two, cobblers. We don't need you today.”

“But we need to see Princess Genevieve and Princess [Y/n].” Derek said.

“I said, be gone!” Desmond slammed the door in their faces.

Ethan looked around then spotted the window that led to the princesses’ room.

He tapped his friend and pointed to the window, Derek smiling in agreement.

“Tell me you're going to leave.” Felix said to the boys.

They smirked.


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