The World's Disappearing

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“This is risky. Risky!” Felix said, as Ethan and Derek climbed up the window to the girls’ room.

“You two are crazy. If you're caught, you'll be thrown in the dungeon.”

“If you don't pipe down, we'll all be thrown in the dungeon.” Ethan hissed.

The boys entered the girls’ room.

“Satisfied? They aren’t here. Now let's go.”

“Our shoe polish.” Derek said, kneeling down noticing the polish on the stone tiles.

“Over there, and there.” Ethan said, noticing it too.

“Newsflash. They walked in their own room.” Felix said sarcastically.

“But not everywhere.” Ethan stated.

“They started here, where the polish is thickest.” Derek pointed out.

“You have got to be kidding.” Felix stated.

“Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen. Thirteen steps.” Ethan counted.

“Their dance!” Derek realized then stood up.

“One.” The stone lit up.

“What did you do?” Felix asked bewildered.

“Two.” Ethan stepped on the second one and it lit up.




“My, good job paying close attention.” Felix complimented as the boys continued stepping on the stones, failing to see Brutus watching them from behind one of the girls’ bed.

Hadley and Isla were spinning around together, humming  the tone to the song they danced the previous night, Fallon, Blair and Delia watching them.

“Wouldn’t it be nice if we had a dancing partner?” Fallon said to her sisters, then she stood up.

“I wish I could dance with a handsome prince.”

The flowers opened up and rained pixie dust on one of the prince stone statues and it came to life.

Music started playing as the prince came down the stairs.

He bowed before Fallon who curtsied.

He stretched forth his hand, and Fallon took it.

“I'd love to.”

The two started dancing together, leaping and spinning.

The other two girls watched them.

“I wish I could dance with a prince too.” Blair said.

“I wish that too.”

Two others princes came down and took the girls’ hand, leading them to dance.

Back in the castle, Brutus brought Rowena to the girls’ room and started stepping on the tile stones.

“This is what you wanted to show me? I'm aware the princesses are gone.”

Brutus jumped from stone to another, trying to get the portal to open up.

“What on earth are you doing? Wasting my time.” Rowena turned to leave when Brutus stepped on Ashlyn’s stone.

Rowena gasped as the stone lit up.

Brutus gibbered smugly. He jumped on Blair’s stone and it lit up too.

He started jumping from stone to stone, lighting them all up.

“So there was a method to your madness.” Rowena said smirking.

Edeline, Courtney and Ashyln were dancing with their own partners when Genevieve and [Y/n] heard an unexpected voice.

“Princess Genevieve, Princess [Y/n].”

“Derek? Ethan? What are you doing here? How did you find us?” Genevieve asked as her and her twin turned to face the boys.

“A lucky guess.” Derek replied.

“You were right not to trust the duchess. She gave this to the stranger you saw.” Ethan said, handing Isabella’s goblet to [Y/n].

“Rowena's been stealing from Mother?” [Y/n] asked surprised.

“They gave up their horse for that.” Felix said.

“You did? Or is that just the bird talking?” Genevieve asked.

“Doesn't matter. It belongs to you, not him.” Derek said.

“I don't know what to say. Thank you so much.” [Y/n] said to the boys.

Rowena arrived at the rest house, in the magical world.

She looked over the horizon to the pavilion, and saw the princesses there.

“The spoilt brats were telling the truth. I wish I could see what's going on.”

The flowers opened and rained down pixie dust on her spectacles, turning them to a pair of binoculars.

“Will wonders never cease? Get me some of those flowers.” She said to Brutus, who went over to do as he was told.

“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen. All accounted for. How very convenient.”

She turned to Brutus. “Hurry. Opportunity knocks.”

Brutus plucked off two of the flowers and handed them over to Rowena.

“Why would Rowena steal Mother's goblet?” Ashlyn asked.

“And give it to an apothecary?” Blair added, as all the girls round about Derek and Ethan.

“We have to go home and tell Papa.” Genevieve stated.

“If we leave now, we can never come back.” Courtney informed.

“Why not?” Ashlyn asked.

“Mother's story. The princess only visited the land three times before it vanished forever.” Courtney reminded.

“I can't imagine never coming back.” Blair said.

“Maybe we can stay just a little longer.” Janessa suggested.

“Rowena may not think we're proper princesses, but we are princesses.” Genevieve said.

“Genevieve’s right. We can't turn our backs when things get difficult. Papa needs us.” [Y/n] said, backing her twin up.

The girls all nodded, and then went up the stairs to leave the pavilion.

They walked over to the boat, about to board when it suddenly disappeared.

“What's happening?”

“Smash them. Smash them all.” Rowena said excitedly as Desmond destroyed the stone tiles.

“That one next. That one. And that one.”

“It's all disappearing.”

“And the last one.” Desmond smashed Lacey’s tile, making the magical rest house disappear.

“How will we get back?” Edeline asked.

“What are we going to do?” Delia added.

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