Dance Our Way Out

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Randolph took a sip of the tea Rowena made for him, looking pale and near-death.

“My daughters, are they coming soon?” Randolph asked.

“Haven't they visited you yet? Oh, I hate to say it, but your daughters are not the most responsible girls.” Rowena said.

“I appreciate all that you're doing for them.”

“I only wish I could do more.”

“Well, perhaps you can. Would you ever consider standing in for me? Just until I recover.”

“I would do anything to assist you, Your Highness. You know I would. But who would listen to me? I’m not the queen.” Rowena said slyly.

The Royal record keeper and two other guards stood in King Randolph’s room, along with Rowena.

“I, King Randolph, hereby proclaim Duchess Rowena to be queen until I can resume my royal duties.”

The record keeper gave Randolph a seal, and he stamped it on the paper

“The royal seal.”

The messenger gave Rowena the crown reluctantly.

“Your Highness.”

Rowena took the crown and placed it on her head.

“You can count on me, dear cousin.”

The girls were all astonished at what was happening.

“What do you think happened?” Courtney asked.

“I can't believe a place our mother loved could trap us.” Genevieve said.

“We wish to know the way out.” [Y/n] said.

The flowers opened and rained down pixie dust on the stone tiles that was lying on the floor, lighting them up.

“We danced our way in.……”

“So we can dance our way out.……” Hadley and Isla said.

“One, two...” Genevieve started, dancing on the stones, but nothing  was happening.

“Hmm……it’s not working. [Y/n] why don’t you try.”

[Y/n] nodded.

“One, two…” She stepped back. “It didn’t work either.”

“Let us try.” Derek suggested.

“One, two...” Ethan stepped back, when nothing was happening.

“That's odd.”

“What do we do now?” Janessa asked.

“It seems so right.” Genevieve said.
Her and Derek both jumped on the first tile at the same time, and it lit up.


[Y/n] and Ethan jumped on the second.

That one lit up too.

“Oh! You have to dance together. Oh! How romantic!” Fallon said dreamily.

The twins looked away from the boys bashfully, the boys smiling at them.

Felix squawked.

“What are you waiting for? An invitation?”

Derek bowed to Genevieve.

“May I have this dance?” She curtsied.

“Of course.” He took her hand.

Ethan turned to [Y/n] and stretched forth his hand.

“May I my Lady?”

“You may Kind Sir.”

The boys led the twins over to the dance floor as the music started playing.

The four started dancing on the tiles, and they all started lighting up.

When all the tiles were lit, magical pixie dust started lifting them off the floor.

The other princesses, and Twyla, joined in the dance, and the pixie dust lifted them off the ground, taking them further towards the sky.

Rowena sat on the throne with Desmond by her side, giving  instructions to the new guards.

“Until The King recovers, I am queen. I've hired you to protect me.”

“And the princesses?” A guard asked stepping forward.

“Traitors, you mean.” Rowena said, making the guards surprised.

“They've run away in the King’s time of need. If you see them, which I doubt, throw them in the dungeon.”

“As you wish, Your Highness.” The guards replied.

“Follow me.” Desmond said, ready to give the guards their first assignments.

The princesses all danced out of the magical world and landed in their mother’s garden.

“Mother's dance pavilion?” Genevieve asked.

“I'm not surprised it leads here.” Ashlyn answered.

They turned to watch the portal close to the magical world forever.

Courtney sighed.
“I'll miss going there.”

“We all will.” Fallon said.

“Now Let's find Papa.” Genevieve said.
The princesses started going back to the castle when they heard a voice.

“Queen Rowena has given us orders.”

“Queen?” [Y/n] asked surprised.

Her, Genevieve, Ethan and Derek, drew closer to the grass wall to hear clearly what the guards were saying.

“Capture the princesses and throw them in the dungeon.”

“And the king?”

“He's sick and won't last the night.” The guards rode off.

“How did this happen?” Genevieve asked.

“Did they just say Papa was ill?” Ashlyn whispered.

“We have to save him.” Blair stated.

“What about Desmond?” Courtney asked.

“And all the new guards?” Blair added.

“And if Rowena is queen...” Courtney started.

“We still have something Rowena doesn't.” Genevieve said confidently.

“That’s right. The power of 13.” [Y/n] finished.

“What are we? Invisible?” Felix asked, making the boys facepalm.

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